[center][h3][color=92278f]Queen Sectonia[/color][/h3] Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (49/50) +2 The Oasis > Desert Word Count: 777 [/center] Sectonia wasn't expecting someone to actually take her up on the fact that she was only slightly interested in the sorcerous spirit, Premise coming up to the bee queen and requesting the spirit. Sectonia looked at the spirit for a second before handing it over to Premise, giving it a casual. [color=92278f]"Pfeh, not colorful enough."[/color] as she handed it over, deciding to take the Pipe of Insight from the loot as everyone else had taken their spirits. The pipe itself was quite small and emitted a very subtle magical smoke. Sectonia wondered if she needed to hold this in her mouth, something she wasn't too keen on, but she found that its magic worked while just being carried by her, putting the pipe snugly in her fluff. With the pipe essentially attuned to her, Sectonia felt that she was far more resillient to magic and could heal faster, with her presence giving those around her and herself lesser benefits of this pipe. In addition to her testing, she found that if she channeled her own magic into the pipe, a magical bubble appeared around her and everyone who was in range of her queenly aura, shielding them from harm for a short time. And seeing what Midna had become with her new fusion, going from someone who seemed to be all together to something.... strange, Sectonia was glad that she took the powerful looking magic item over the sorceror spirit which worked, fairly alright for Premise. Thinking about it, The first spirit Midna absorbed was also close to her basic shape, so the fusion was good. However the dragon spirit she had absorbed was very different, and granted its power at a price. Seeing this in action really limited her choices, and the queen decided that she'd only take a spirit that didn't mesh well with her if the power gain could outstrip the... well at least Midna got some dangling jewel things... The phantom troope didn't look much better with the fusions they had gotten, only exemplifying Sectonia's point she made to herself. Another question was answered soon after, this time by Tora, who outlined what the strange box items were that Sectonia had found. Apparently there were some kind of cosmetic chest that used the paper currency she had found pointless before. [color=92278f]"So its a key to a random assortment of cosmetic goods. Interesting."[/color] She said, looking at the items that were spawned from the lootboxes. None of them really caught her eye, but seeing how varied and different they were, she was sure one of these, should she find more, would give her something she liked. With the remainder of the spirits dolled out, Midna experimenting with one of her wolfos and getting quite an interesting conclusion out of it, the unused spirits were crushed and spawned various items. Sectonia didn't know what most of them did, but seeing as one was a bit of a bug crystal, she decided to take that. She couldn't outright tell what it did, but it had some air of magic about it at least. With the rest of the loot sorted out, what wasn't used was put into the bag they had used to carry the spirits here and brought along, the group venturing down further into the ruins. After some exploring in the ruins, the enemies not really offering much challenge and being used more to test what everyone had gained, the group found a bit of a sandy decline which the phantom theives decided they would slide on, including Tora and Poppi. Sectonia was much bigger than the rest of them though, and was one of the last ones to slide down, needing to tuck her wings in. Woe be to any that were below her and didn't get off the slide when she reached the bottom, her stinger wasn't for show! Upon reaching the bottom and having the space to fly again, Sectonia did just that, preferring to stay off the ground as much as possible. What they found themselves looking at was more ruins, however the heat wasn't nearly as bad as it was and the sandstorms had subsided as the sun was going down. [color=92278f]"Good, this wont be as exhausting as above."[/color] Sectonia said, agreeing with the others who voiced the same opinion. Seeing as it was much cooler here, the party decided to continue on foot. Still, they were going towards what they thought was the area guardian without much to go on, and they were getting farther and farther away from what Sectonia could call 'civilization' so they could only hope they were on the right path. -------------------------------------------- [center][h3][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h3] Level 8 Blazermate - (57/80) +2 The Bismarck Words: 754 [/center] Blazermate, having her offer taken by the shipgirls and the entire situation disarming itself, decided to go with the shipgirl who was going to lead her to the infirmary. [color=0072bc]"So uh, for Payment. Just uh, pay for their food and whatnot. This will be quick. "[/color] Blazermate said, pointing to her party who was discussing stuff and making orders. Sephiroth had slinked off to somewhere, that boy didn't like staying with the party it seemed. He was turning into a real... Why couldn't Blazermate remember that anime loner's name? Either way, Blazermate didn't really think much of it, and as she waved to her friends, saying she'd be back later, she caught a glimpse of the Cadet touching some kind of orb. He seemed fine though, so Blazermate just let him at it, her scanners didn't pick up anything harmful after all. It didn't take long for her shipgirl escort to bring Blazermate to the infirmary where there were multiple ship girls laying on beds, some bandaged, some still being worked on, all with all sorts of burns, breaks, bites, and other nasty physical injuries. "I'll be watching you, but if you can do what you said, please help them." Her escort said, standing at the door as Blazermate walked in. [color=0072bc]"Its ok. I've got this. No zombie plagues here!"[/color] Blazermate said, flexing one of her arms. Seeing as most of them seemed to have old injuries, her medigun was more effective than what she normally had to deal with. At first, Blazermate was under harsh supervision as while she was a medic bot, these doctors had been treating these injuries for awhile now, and didn't trust this newcomer all that much. Their tunes quickly changed though when Blazermate put her healing beam on her first patient, the ship girl's bones snapping back into place and healing, her skin closing up, and her complextion that was one of pain becoming one of releif. It didn't take too long for her to be fully healed up, and while she was getting out of her bed, jumping for joy at being healed so rapidly to the astonishment of the doctors and other patients, Blazermate was already working on another girl who had a nasty large bite taken out of her. As Blazermate healed more and more shipgirls, the other injured shipgirls were stirring, hope in their eyes as tehir injuries would be healed momentarily. After around the 5th shipgirl got up with no injuries remaining, the doctors stopped checking Blazermate's work and just let her have free reign of the place as it didn't take too long for her to heal up the rest of the shipgirls. At one point, a new patient came in, bleeding profusely and if Blazermate wasn't here, would've been dead before the bandages could go on. However, all the healing had charged Blazermate's ubercharge which she used on the quickly dying ship girl, completely stopping her from bleeding, her healing stabalizing and getting her mostly recovered as her ubercharge wore off. "What... what are you?" One of the shipgirls asked, surprised at what had happened. [color=0072bc]"Oh. I'm a Medabot. Names Blazermate."[/color] Another one pointed to Blazermate's healing arm and asked. "How does that work? It would be really useful for our soldiers!" Blazermate gave a reply, but by the look on the shipgirl's face, it wasn't what she wanted to hear. [color=0072bc]"Its my healing arm part. More focused healing than a Nutranurse! It just heals, I don't know how."[/color] she continued, leaving the ship girl doctor crestfallen. It took her a bit of time, but eventually the infirmary was empty of the injured ship girls. [color=0072bc]"Alrighty! Thats all done. Can you lead me back to my friends now?"[/color] Blazermate said, making a gun blowing animation on her arm, making the sound but since she was a robot she couldn't make any breath come out. Her escourt, with a bit of regret at how useful Blazermate had been about getting ship girls back on the battlefield in record time, brought Blazermate back to the restaraunt. Having gone to heal the ship girls, Blazermate had missed all of Ms. Fortune's story, coming back in with Bowser asking for a to-go dish. [color=0072bc]"Hiya guys, I'm back!"[/color] Blazermate said, waving. Looking around, Blazermate noticed a few weired out faces, most notable on Peach, while Link had a much mor interested faec. [color=0072bc]"Did... I miss something?"[/color] Blazermate asked, walking in the shop to sit with the rest of the group.