[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/emyrla-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201226/3a4307b1cb6bc8c775a225379757de8c.png[/img][/url] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [b]Level:[/b] 2 [i](19/20)[/i] [b]Word Count:[/b] 533 [b]Location:[/b] Limsa Lominscuttle Town [b]EXP:[/b] +1 [/center] [hr][hr] Eyes narrowing, Sephiroth swiftly sheathed his blade as he snatched up the spirit, clenching it in his hand before hiding the aforementioned limb beneath his coat. Better to keep it away from prying eyes for the time being. If he was lucky, they wouldn't even know a murder had occurred. If not, well at least he could keep suspicion off of himself until the time came for him to finally absorb the shipgirl's spirit. Presently, however, Sephiroth reminded himself that he had somewhere else he needed to be. Preferably somewhere very far from here. His first thought was to return to the Wench, but if that shipgirl was on her way somewhere then whoever had been waiting for her would likely note her tardiness and an investigation would soon begin, with him as the prime suspect. Or a more likely one at the very least, since he was the only one out of the entirety of any team that hadn't exactly conformed to the helpful hero archetype, or even seemed like the pleasantest of individuals to be around. Add to that the fact that he had fused with the spirit of an evil and obsessive sorceress recently and you had a recipe for trouble. Trouble the former SOLDIER did not want nor need. No, he couldn't stay, that would just compound the problem and increase the chances of someone figuring out what he'd done. Thus he moved deeper into the alleyway, breaking into a light jog near the end so that he could disappear round the corner faster. A few minutes of running through abandoned backstreets later, and Sephiroth found himself in a completely different part of the city. Luckily for him it didn't appear as though he'd been followed. Smiling to himself, he pulled his hand free from the folds of his coat, unfurling his fingers to reveal the spirit floating beneath as he did so. Staring at it for a bit, Sephiroth carefully considered his next move. The last fusion he performed had made a great deal of changes, not all of which he'd particularly liked, such as the more obsessives aspects of Cia's personality or her annoyingly flashy style of dress. On the other hand it'd also given him a great deal of magical power in exchange. Still, he was reasonably apprehensive of just shoving this one into his chest on a whim, especially since he never actually got to see what the shipgirl could do. There was still the alternative, however. That being placing it into his mind instead. If he recalled what the machine had said properly, it wouldn't convey the same level of benefits, but it also wouldn't bestow the same level of drawbacks either. A tempting prospect really, since he wasn't very fond of mutating himself further with the souls of these lesser beings, but an altogether disproportionate one given the risks he'd taken to obtain it. No, he would fuse with the shipgirl's spirit as he had with Cia's to reap the full benefits of its power, drawbacks be damned. Holding it aloft, he took a moment to prepare himself for the changes that were to come, before slamming the ethereal orb into his chest... [quote][@Lugubrious][/quote]