[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/99b2750631769e59b75ded789e4e9471.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Kirah][@Martian][/center][hr][center][h2][color=0C5157][i]Somewhere In Space - November 5, 2021[/i][/color][/h2][/center][hr] Well, it had been a bit of a wild last few months. After the incident with Loki, a few interesting things tended to happen. Sylvester ended up arriving at the mansion, and got put as a member of the team. However things were going to go a bit insane, as Lance had become hell bent on going off into space whether anyone tagged along with him or not. With some help they managed to get ahold of a ship that was capable of space travel, so they didn't exactly have to build one. Most everyone on the team was going to go along with the trip, so he wasn't going to be alone with it. Neil and Carolina were going to stay behind to deal with a family emergency of Neil's, something about zombies trying to kill his cousin, and Mira was going to tag along. Though the main reason supposedly she wasn't going to space had something to do with not wanting to be stuck in a small tin can with Iris. So those three were going to be staying behind and the others would all be able to go on the mission to space. It wasn't an [i]official[/i] mission or whatever, but it was something that one of them felt like he needed to do, so off they went! It was somewhat hard to tell where exactly in space they were in at this point, though out of all of the people on board the ship, Lance and Runa likely were the ones who knew really where they were. Runa because she was from Asgard and technically an alien herself, and Lance in the months before they set off had spent quite a bit of time studying star charts and learning from Runa and others where exactly everything was roughly, so he knew where they were going and was sort of the main navigator for the ship. Not to mention he was kind of the person flying the ship for the most part, but he would switch off with others when needed. The ship was just flying through space though, they had been away from Earth for a few weeks at this point, and they hadn't run into too many issues. They did encounter a few stray ships here and there, but they mostly ignored their own as they flew along. Lance was sitting up front in the cockpit, flying the ship for the most part and looking at a few of the instruments that they had brought along with them. Namely, one that was set to scan for any sort of radiation that could potentially be the Hulk. There were a few other scanners nearby that detected just about everything else that you could think of. He was staying relatively quiet though, just focusing more or less on what it was that he was doing, mainly trying to avoid running into an asteroid or something like that. Mary was off in a seat by herself, taking a few deep breaths as the ship flew along. She had plant seeds in her pocket in the event that they might have to fight or something, since her powers normally were fairly useless on a spaceship. Her mind was wandering as she read a book out of boredom, partially trying to keep calm in order to potentially not go completely nuclear and try to murder everyone. In such a small area, something like that could potentially be devastating, and it most definitely would not end well. More then a few people probably would end up seriously hurt or potentially dead if she wasn't careful. Pietro mainly could not sit still no matter what was going on. He every so often would race around in a gust of wind clearly bored despite the fact that they were in such a small space. [color=7ea7d8][i]Guina I'm booooooooooored![/i][/color] Pietro said mentally to her as he went zipping around again. Clearly it wasn't a good idea to keep a speedster in a small area, since they get bored quickly and want to go back to running around like crazy. Then again, being stuck on board that ship for hours on end probably didn't help at all.