[center][b]Domus Flau[/b][/center] From within the halls of the grand arena overlooking Crocus appeared two men stepping out onto the stairs from the entrance. Immediately they both noticed the blue streak of flames in the sky passing overhead. [color=sienna]"Oi, you think that mage up there saw anything?"[/color] the first [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4a/d7/16/4ad716dc2abca59abeb5e1f4385c971f.jpg]young man[/url] said, pointing up at Tone as he flew away. The other [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRxw3Zc1xt30MbdXTSaMQtnxLj_iH01tMhp8A&usqp=CAU]young man[/url] watched silently for a moment before answering. [color=limegreen]"No. They couldn't have seen anything from up there anyways."[/color] [color=sienna]"Right on, then."[/color] The two began their descent down the mountain's stairs now. [color=limegreen]"Have someone follow just in case. We don't want some lowlife breaking the news early and ruining the big day."[/color] The other young man smirked. [color=sienna]"Sure thing, your Highness. Do you want me to bring you back to the palace too?"[/color] The crown prince continued walking down the stairs as his companion stopped. [color=limegreen]"No need, I don't get to be on my own that often. I can walk just fine."[/color] [color=sienna]"I'm sure ya can, but ya know your father would tell me to-"[/color] [color=limegreen]"Consider it an order then. I'll see you at the palace later, Calidyn."[/color] The prince now waved him away as he continued walking. With a shrug the young man named Calidyn vanished into thin air, finally leaving the prince alone. As he continued down the steps he looked out over Crocus. Even from so far away he could see how the city was even more busy than usual. All due to his festival of course. [color=limegreen][i]It's just a birthday, such a pointless thing to celebrate,[/i][/color] he thought to himself, his eyes drifting down to his feet. [color=limegreen][i]Father is such a dull leader. Trivial things like this aren't truly captivating. Appeasing the citizens with some music and flowers... ha. Honestly, when I'm the king things will be different.[/i][/color] Now the prince looked back up to Domus Flau, a grin creeping across his face. [color=limegreen][i]I'll give the people something to get excited about all right.[/i][/color] [hider=One Week Ago] [center][h3]Era[/h3][/center] Hidden within the walls of the Magic Council headquarters was a large conference room, separate from the courtroom that is most often seen. A place where the Council convenes to discuss matters of law, military, and general importance. In the middle of the room was the large conference table with a large chandelier overhead as the primary source of light for the window-less room. On one side of the table were all the Councilmembers, on the other were their guests. A collection of six guild masters of the six most prominent guilds of the country. At the end of the long table sat the Council chairman, Boram Siegfried. At the other end of the table was a young man with black hair and clothes of the finest material, the crown prince of Fiore himself was in attendance. [color=darkorchid]"I must admit, I never thought I would see the day that so many of you would be in the same room together,"[/color] Boram began, gesturing towards the lineup of guild masters. [color=darkorchid]"These are interesting times for all six of you to be requesting an audience with the Council at the same time."[/color] The chairman's introductory speech didn't get very far before someone already interrupted him. [color=saddlebrown]"Yeah, because [i]you[/i] have been letting that independent guild get out of control,"[/color] the youngest guild master present, [url=https://safebooru.org//images/2792/b21133bdc711893f2599cf5118ed7ee103b894a2.jpg?2908076]Soryu Shinano[/url] of Steel Hydra, spoke up. [color=saddlebrown]"That guild is already starting to cut into our clients and our wizards. I thought that if they didn't agree to work for the Council that they would be criminals?"[/color] [color=darkred]"Is Steel Hydra really so pathetic that losing a little money would [i]really[/i] put them behind so bad?"[/color] Soryu glared over at the guild master for Black Curtain, Duncan Nythe. [color=saddlebrown]"Ha! Don't make me laugh."[/color] The banter was already getting on the nerves of the chairman and he was visibly frustrated. [color=darkorchid]"Masters, cease your squabbling. We are in the presence of Prince Ryokugyoku. We must act befitting of our status."[/color] The young prince chuckled loud enough for everyone to hear. [color=limegreen]"Don't mind me, I'm just observing,"[/color] [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRxw3Zc1xt30MbdXTSaMQtnxLj_iH01tMhp8A&usqp=CAU]Ryokugyoku[/url] spoke. There was a brief silence after the prince, but the chairman cleared his throat and continued. [color=darkorchid]"At any rate, Fenixtear is not under any agreements with the Council but so far they have violated no laws. As rude as their guildmaster has been we will not break our own rules to exact petty revenge, no matter the temptation."[/color] The elderly [url=https://safebooru.org//samples/1487/sample_f9049a3215c8aa79507666e8d3a86db70b71a25b.jpg?1557505]Morgana Lutz[/url], master of Crimson Mare, was the next to speak. [color=crimson]"If I may, Boram, I would like to remind the council that the guilds represented here have all been paying their dues. We don't merely abide by your regulations but we provide a considerable amount of taxes and even manpower to remain in the Council's good graces. Fenixtear didn't just disrespect you by refusing to cooperate but has disrespected us all, to operate the way they do without the same restrictions we must face and challenging our way of life."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"That's right,"[/color] spoke up [url=https://safebooru.org//samples/2533/sample_ccac85664ecd0e2c7d2bc1683201cea6e08d8c83.jpg?2640589]Madame Elaine[/url] of Blue Pegasus. [color=dodgerblue]"And our guilds have been operating for many years while abiding by the Council and they come out of the woodworks to slay a dragon right on your doorstep? That sounds very suspicious to me."[/color] [color=rosybrown]"Actually, I have been looking into that."[/color] The soft-spoken master of Sleuth, [url=https://safebooru.org//images/2418/4af5d4b618a336b0ac1e1a3e53cbe4bfbe5ab578.png?2519015]Sovereign Minutio[/url], was the next to speak his peace. [color=rosybrown]"Their guild master, Torys Lusitania, has been a public figure for a very long time. I'm sure Ms. Lutz and Mr. Kempest here could testify that Ms. Lusitania was formerly a Wizard Saint."[/color] There began a series of grumblings and murmuring among the table after this revelation. [color=slategray]"It is true,"[/color] [url=https://safebooru.org//images/2409/f0ea35f7b542a4573070aa2cd6c44863870d795e.png?2509565]Oleg Kempest[/url] of Obsidian Kite confirmed. [color=slategray]"Torys was once among the Saints. It would be uncharacteristic of her, and not within her ability, to summon or control such a monster. But indeed it was no mere coincidence that a dragon would besiege Era like that. It was certainly following the orders of some unknown master with a clear goal in mind."[/color] [color=rosybrown]"I came to that conclusion as well. Fenixtear was simply more prepared and quicker to mobilize than any of us were."[/color] [color=saddlebrown]"With all due respect, how they got here doesn't really matter so much as what they are doing,"[/color] Soryu spoke up again. [color=crimson]"Something must be done before they deal lasting damage to the economy and disrupt Fiore's way of life any further."[/color] [color=darkred]"I gotta agree here. They should be disbanded."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Or at least made to follow the Council in the way that we do."[/color] As the voices began to grow and overlap, all complaining in one way or another, the Chairman began trying to regain control of the room. [color=darkorchid]"I understand your concerns and loathe as I am to let them walk free they simply haven't broken any of our laws yet. We have been keeping a close eye. If we were to crack down on them while they were so popular and in the spotlight it would reflect poorly on the Council and make the people of Fiore lose trust in us, perhaps even the Kingdom itself."[/color] In the brief quiet after Boram finished speaking the people present finally noticed a tapping sound. The prince was tapping his fingers on the table rhythmically, waiting patiently for a moment to speak up. And now that all eyes were on him he ceased tapping. [color=limegreen]"It sure seems like you all have your pride on the line,"[/color] he told them with a cheeky grin. [color=limegreen]"You masters feel [i]threatened[/i] by this new guild, don't you?"[/color] Soryu smacked the table and stood to his feet. [color=saddlebrown]"With all due respect, your Highness, but the [i]strongest guild in Fiore[/i] isn't feeling threatened by these nobodies."[/color] A chuckle escaped from Duncan as he removed a pipe from his cloak. [color=saddlebrown]"What's so funny to you, Darkness?"[/color] [color=darkred]"Oh, nothing in particular. It's just cute that the [i]boy[/i] thinks he's a big enough [i]man[/i] to declare his guild the strongest. Anyone can go kill some bears in the woods."[/color] [color=crimson]"Don't feel so mighty yourself, [i]boy[/i],"[/color] Morgana said to Duncan, catching a glare from him in return. [color=crimson]"In our line of work we've all had to deal with other mages. You really aren't that special."[/color] [color=limegreen]"Say, I just thought of something,"[/color] the prince spoke up again. By now the guild masters have largely become agitated, and the councilmembers haven't hardly gotten a word in edgewise, so all eyes were on the prince with various glares and gazes. [color=limegreen]"You guys can't even pretend to get along very well, its clear that you all consider yourselves rivals. And that you all don't like the unwelcome addition of a new rival. If the Council can't go after Fenixtear until it breaks the law, and if you all truly believe that guild is so pathetic, then why not just prove to the people of Fiore who the best really is?"[/color] This suggestion was met with silence. [color=darkorchid]"What are you suggesting, your Highness?"[/color] An annoyed sigh escaped the prince as he shook his head dramatically. [color=limegreen]"What I'm [i]suggesting[/i] is that we bring back the tournament to decide the strongest guild in Fiore."[/color] [color=slategray]"You mean the Grand Magic Games."[/color] Now all eyes drifted to Oleg. [color=slategray]"The Kingdom stopped hosting the Grand Magic Games a long time ago, only in the childhood of our eldest present. That must've been more than sixty years ago."[/color] [color=limegreen]"My grandfather had ended the Grand Magic Games because they served no real purpose anymore. The cost was too high for how little it was rewarding. But I can ask my father real nicely and it can be done again. Then you guys can openly, publicly, destroy Fenixtear and it can be broadcast across the country."[/color] The masters began to murmur among themselves, going over the pros and cons of such an offer. [color=rosybrown]"I have to ask what prompted such an unusual offer from your Highness,"[/color] Sovereign asked, keeping direct, unblinking eye contact with the prince. [color=limegreen]"Ah, is it so hard to believe that I would suggest such a thing out of pure altruism? No, I suppose you should all know that I had been considering this idea for some time now. When the people of Fiore think of magic they think of you guys, your guilds. In a way you've become the face of Fiore. And that is unacceptable to me. The Kingdom, the royal family, should be the face of Fiore. And I will be bringing my own team to the Grand Magic Games to represent the Kingdom and show the people exactly why it is [i]us[/i] who rule the country."[/color] Soryu grimaced, but it soon turned into a grin as he rose up to the challenge. [color=saddlebrown]"You're speaking as if the tournament is a foregone conclusion, but don't you need the Council to give permission first? Otherwise you would have a tournament that we aren't allowed to show up to."[/color] All eyes were on the councilmembers and the chairman now. [color=limegreen]"Well, Mr. Chairman? What will I tell my father when I return from my visit here? What do you say about having a Grand Magic Games?"[/color] [/hider] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vgf9OWT.png?1[/img] [h2][color=aquamarine]Tone[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] After finding an appropriately sized clearing in the trees, Tone reduced his speed and descended. He was able to precisely land in the clearing without damaging the ground. Well, perhaps it was only minor damage from the impact. After taking a moment to survey his surroundings Tone crossed his arms over his chest. [color=aquamarine][i]This is lame, training out in the woods by myself has gotten old. I'm not sure how much more progress I could get from striking air or inanimate objects,[/i][/color] he thought to himself, plopping down to the ground to sit with his legs crossed. [color=aquamarine][i]Can't even get a change of view, training pretty much anywhere else is a no-go.[/i][/color] Tone looked up into the sky, staring at one cloud in particular. He tried to find a shape in it but it was too simple to make anything out of. [color=aquamarine][i]Did I really come this far just to get stuck? Pitch has been rotting in a dungeon getting tortured and who knows what else and I can't find any information on Draco Clamor. My goodness they're supposedly in this country and everyone I've asked about them just looks at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. Nobody seems to have even heard of them.[/i][/color] Tone opened his jacket and reached inside to a hidden pocket, retrieving a small dark book. [color=aquamarine][i]And this stupid thing doesn't have any answers.[/i][/color] On the front of the book were only the words "Draconis Scriptum". The book was clearly worn, Tone himself picked it up off the ground after the battle with Draco Clamor back in Bosco. A little singed but very well intact. [color=aquamarine][i]Half the thing isn't even readable. I bet the answers are in that half but Torys told me to get rid of this book. How can this stupid dark guild be so important yet so hard to find? It just doesn't make any sense.[/i][/color] Tone began to open the book when he detected someone approaching. First by smell but soon he could hear their footsteps. In a hurry he stashed the Draconis Scriptum back in his jacket and jumped to his feet. The person approaching appeared to be some kind of knight, wearing the kingdom's armor. [color=aquamarine]"Did you follow me out here?"[/color] was the first thing to come out of Tone's mouth, confused at how anyone at all would find him, deliberately or not. [color=lightgray]"Halt, mage,"[/color] the knight said as he approached Tone. [color=lightgray]"Let me see your papers."[/color] [color=aquamarine]"What? Papers? What are you talking about?"[/color] [color=lightgray]"Your papers. Your guild registration."[/color] With a grimace Tone turned away and pulled at his jacket's neckline down over his shoulder, revealing his guild mark. [color=aquamarine]"Will this do for ya? What do you want from me anyways from following me over here?"[/color] The knight glared at Tone for a moment. [color=lightgray]"You were spotted flying over royal property, at Domus Flau."[/color] [color=aquamarine]"You gotta be shitting me, I can't believe Zenith was [i]this[/i] right..."[/color] [color=lightgray]"Young man, you're not in trouble. It's an unusual circumstance as not many people fly, but you can't be flying over royal property like that."[/color] With a sigh of relief Tone finally relaxed. [color=aquamarine]"Well jeez, there aren't any signs posted anywhere. Guess I'll walk from now on. Sorry for breaking the rules, it won't happen again."[/color] The knight then pointed at the ground near Tone's feet. [color=lightgray]"You dropped something. Wait a minute. Give me that book, right now."[/color] At first he was confused but when Tone looked at where the knight was pointing he realized that he had accidentally dropped the Draconis Scriptum somehow. [color=aquamarine]"Oh, you know this book? Could you help me find-"[/color] [color=lightgray]"Give me that."[/color] The knight snatched the book out of Tone's hands the moment he picked it up. [color=aquamarine]"Alright alright, have it. But do you know anything about Draco Clamor? Anything at all?"[/color] The knight ignored Tone as he retrieved a small device from within his boot, a small magical tool. He placed the device against the book and within a second the book was engulfed in flames. [color=aquamarine]"What the hell! That was the only lead I had!"[/color] Tone shouted at the knight, snatching the flaming book back from his hands. [color=lightgray]"Watch it kid, I was just told to tell you to stop flying around but if you don't let that book burn then I'll have to put you under arrest."[/color] [color=aquamarine]"It's just a book mate, can you listen to me for just a moment? I need to find the guild that made this book."[/color] At this point the knight was bewildered that Tone was continuing to hold this flaming book without any signs of pain or discomfort commonly associated with getting burned, but he persisted in his duties. [color=lightgray]"Put the book down, now!"[/color] The knight began reaching for his sword with his free hand now, so Tone grit his teeth and let the book fall to the ground. [color=aquamarine]"Fine, jeez..."[/color] The two watched the book get reduced to ashes in silence, as the knight had to make sure the deed was done. [color=lightgray]"Consider this your last warning, if you ever find that book again you destroy it or turn it in. Draco Clamor and their religion is not tolerated in Fiore. I understand that you are looking for them but keeping that book will only spread their word and won't help you. Next time you might be arrested."[/color] The knight began to walk away now, leaving Tone fuming as he stared at the burning book. His only lead to finding his brother. [color=aquamarine]"So you don't know how to find them, huh,"[/color] he snarked. [color=lightgray]"If we did, we wouldn't need to destroy these books."[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rOUT53r.png?1[/img] [h2][color=skyblue]Torys[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The guild master had been paying attention to the man who had been with Vashya. It was clear that he was a social worker of some kind and that the girl has been working with the man for at least a little while to have some kind of trust in him. Torys patiently waited as the two chatted in private, offering a wave and a smile to Ria and Damien as they entered the guild hall during this conversation. Once Vashya and her social worker came back to Torys and filled her in on the situation it all finally made sense. [color=skyblue]"Oh, of course,"[/color] she spoke up, clasping her hands together. [color=skyblue]"I'll help Vashya here. She'll be in good hands here at Fenixtear, we're like a big family."[/color] Now she turned her smile to Vashya. [color=skyblue]"So who could it be? Oh! I bet it's... Actually, never mind that. The whole point of the arrangement is to make you comfortable so I won't pry where I'm not wanted. Welcome aboard, Vashya."[/color] The guild master gave the social worker one more smile before putting a hand on Vashya's shoulder and leading her back towards her office. She expected the social worker would stick around at least a while longer but if Vashya was going to join she'd need a Guild Mark. [color=skyblue]"So, Vashya, have you thought about where you want to put your guild mark? Gotta let the world know you're one of us... and proud!"[/color] The small party hadn't reached the door to the office yet when the front door to the guild opened. On instinct Torys looked back over her shoulder to see who was returning but was immediately surprised to find a new face. It was a serious looking [url=https://safebooru.org//samples/1318/sample_8dce656b903116f8805eb300294e7797f39b3b9f.jpg?1371846]man[/url], with blonde hair and some kind of covering or half-mask over his right eye. Not one of the usual young types that would be looking to join so he probably meant business. Torys took her hand off Vashya and fully turned to face the man across the guild hall. [color=skyblue]"Well hello, stranger. I can be with you in a few minutes, I just have to help our newest member get started,"[/color] she told him, already turning away to continue into the office. [color=goldenrod]"Actually, I was looking to join your guild as well."[/color] This made Torys completely pause before turning to face the man again. There are some in the guild who are older, like Grasidia and Marduk, but a man appearing to be in his 30s asking to join still took Torys by surprise. Most mages at that age are already established within a guild or community. [color=skyblue]"Oh, two in one day huh. And here I was thinking that things were starting to slow down again."[/color] The man stepped forward into the hall, not even glancing at the other members around the room as he came closer to Torys and Vashya. [color=goldenrod]"My name is Ronan."[/color] He gave a polite bow to Torys with his formal introduction. [color=skyblue]"Nice to meet you, Ronan. Show me what you can do. What kind of magic you got?"[/color] There was an awkward pause before the man spoke up again. [color=goldenrod]"Actually, ma'am, I don't have any magic. I'm not a mage."[/color] Now Torys was shocked. [color=skyblue]"I'm sorry, you don't know any magic?"[/color] Ronan shook his head. [color=goldenrod]"No, I am incapable of magic. But I do have these-"[/color] [color=skyblue]"Well this is a mage guild, Ronan. I've never heard of someone who can't perform magic joining a mage guild. Perhaps your talents might be more suited to a trade guild."[/color] Despite the interruption his expression didn't change, he only patiently waited for Torys to finish speaking. [color=goldenrod]"I had always wanted to join a mage guild, since I was a young boy. I've spent many years cultivating skills to make up for my inability to use magic. I can perform many tasks exceptionally and can defeat monsters or even mages in combat if necessary. Other mage guilds have turned me away but I heard that Fenixtear was not like other guilds."[/color] Torys felt a bit guilty now, but she couldn't just let a non-mage join. Not only would it risk making the guild look bad but it could be putting this man in danger. [color=skyblue]"You would be correct, we are not like the other mage guilds. But we still are a [i]mage[/i] guild, Ronan. You might be put in danger by working with us and I can't accept that in good conscience. I sympathize with you, I truly do, but..."[/color] The man looked down at the floor for a moment, his expression as neutral and unchanging as ever yet it could still be seen that he was in thought. [color=goldenrod]"You're right, I apologize for wasting your time. Thank you for your consideration."[/color] And just like that he began walking towards the door. Torys watched silently, still taken aback by the whole thing. But when she looked down at Vashya the guilt returned. She was setting a bad example for this girl. Turning people away is completely counter the point of being a family. If she could turn this man away over danger it would be no different from turning away Vashya, or anyone else really. Being a mage was just dangerous sometimes no matter the ability of the mage. [color=skyblue]"Wait,"[/color] Torys spoke up just as Ronan reached the door. [color=skyblue]"How small-minded of me. Ronan, I believe you could make an excellent addition to our guild."[/color] For the first time since he arrived the smallest form of a smile could be seen on the corners of his lips. [color=goldenrod]"Thank you, ma'am. I won't let you down."[/color] [color=skyblue]"Enough of this [i]ma'am[/i] thing, you can call me Torys. Now come along, I can give you your guild mark right after I give Vashya here her guild mark."[/color] Torys motioned for Vashya and her social worker to follow into her office as she opened the door, revealing a fairly simple room with a desk in the middle with a pile of papers stacked in the middle. Along the walls were various filing cabinets and bookshelves, with the only standout feature being a large safe behind the desk. [color=skyblue]"If you don't mind waiting a few minutes longer, perhaps the others here can acquaint themselves with you,"[/color] she told Ronan before closing the door to the office to create some privacy while handling the business side of signing up a new member. Ronan gave a simple nod in acknowledgement to the guild master as the door closed, and only now did he seem to actually look around at the others around the hall. He approached the bar, near Trinity, and gave the girl a polite nod. [color=goldenrod]"Good morning, my name is Ronan,"[/color] he greeted, introducing himself formally to Trinity and everyone else nearby. [color=goldenrod]"I hope you all will enjoy working with me in the future."[/color]