Nancy looked at the strangers before her and raised an eyebrow slightly "Erm I guess this is the group that's going to a planet none of us know anything about" she muses gently as she cracked her neck slightly "wow that ice freeze thing really makes the bones stiff. I think I'm gonna go and see where a girl can get some coffee. Does anyone want to come along with me" she muses grently as she pushed up her glasses slightly and smiled at them sweetly. She wasn't always good, but when she was, she was something amazing. Fallen looked at them slowly and looked at the male that asked for a hat and rolled her eyes at him "I think you look fine without a hat" she grinned and slowly got up and grunted as her legs were weak and fell right over "ow" she groaned slightly as she wobbled to her feet again and sighed slightly " the ship on autopilot?" asked bane as she could get feeling he was supposed to be running it. Clyde smiled and nodded at the word doctor "You can just call me Clyde " he said nervously, he didn't like being remembered as a doctor. He was a good doctor, yes but he also had a very perverted enjoyment of causing others pain during healing as well. They once said his gift can only be used if blood is spilling enough, to make his healing better the other had to be in more pain. He wanted money but he also wanted to be free from the crazy bosses and crazy assholes as well. "Coordinates to planet VTJAZ-578 , arrival time in ten hours" spoke the ships AI responded to a question from Bane. Fallen looked out the window and was struck by the sheer beauty of space and a whole different universe they where in "wow how far away from earth are we even? I think we were asleep for a few weeks so I can image its gonna be a very far ride away from home" said smiling though the idea of not knowing anything about the dangers they might face she was stunned at the idea of new life and adventure.