I made this RP previously in the advanced section, but it died due to inactivity. Since the casual section is much more active, I'm trying my luck again here and want to see if anyone is interested. Post standards and expectations will be adjusted for casual accordingly. A Discord server for my RPs can be found [url=https://discord.gg/GmgJNHmXtV]here[/url]. You can also DM me on Discord at JohnSolaris#5728 for questions. [hr] This story takes place in a world much like our own, at least on the surface. The primary difference is the existence of New Atlantis, an artificial island megacity in the North Atlantic Ocean near Europe, built through the cooperation of multiple world powers in the twentieth century. Spanning over a hundred kilometers in radius, and boasting a multinational population like no other, New Atlantis is unquestionably one of the central pillars of modern society. However, in recent times the famed Atlantean city has fallen into uncertainty. At the culmination of political and territorial disputes between several world powers, New Atlantis was placed into lockdown four months ago, with no civilian travel permitted in or out. A veneer of normalcy was maintained by mass media, but people living elsewhere soon found themselves mysteriously unable to contact their friends and family in New Atlantis. Things looked completely normal from the outside, yet no electronic communication could go through, and those brave enough to violate the lockdown and enter the artificial island were never heard from again; it's like this city has silently disappeared from the world. You are one of the many people desperately trying to find out the truth behind New Atlantis, for one reason or another. Perhaps you have resources and connections at your disposal that allow you to dig further and deeper than the average person. But the more you dig, the more you are met with coordinated, almost conspiracy-theory levels of effort in dodging and obfuscating the truth, in government and corporate entities alike. Just as you are about to reach your wit's end, [i]she[/i] appears before you. Appearing human on the most basic level, yet inhumanly beautiful by the standards of most. Casually floating in midair, in blatant defiance of physics. Tight, revealing black dress that blends into the swirling aura of darkness around her, a presence both otherworldly and intimately familiar, akin to the spiritual manifestation of human decadence and desire itself. And her eyes, orbs of unnatural amaranth, are devoid of the usual gleam of human light and reason, instead resembling the bottomless abyss that consumes all who fall into its embrace. "You desire the truth, don't you?" Her silken voice caresses your ears. "But is it something you can handle? The world is far darker and more dangerous than you could have ever imagined..." The seductress's ruby lips curl into a devious smirk. "But I can change that. I can give you power, the power to go far beyond human limits, to find out the truth of this world for yourself..." You try to say something, anything, but your body is paralyzed by this woman's mysterious power. Is she going to give you power like this? In your heart of hearts, you know that the entity before you is the epitome of a deal with the devil. Should you accept what she offers, there will be no going back. "Heh, did you think I was going to give you a choice?" As if reading your thoughts, her smirk widens into a grin. "Sorry, but the potential of your soul is too valuable. I'm going to implant you with the Seed now, and send you to New Atlantis. Embrace this power and become strong for me, will you? Then you may be able to get to the bottom of it all, fix everything, and come out of this alive… I'll be watching you carefully." Before you can react, the demoness is already very close to you, tapping your chest with a delicate crimson-nailed finger. Instantly, the whole world around you becomes a blur, and you feel like you're falling through an endless pit… … Eventually things stop spinning, and your eyes readjust, but you still cannot believe what you're seeing. The sky is pitch-black, crackling with streams of searing, otherworldly colors that form eldritch sigils and bathe the world below in an eerie dim light. An utterly devastated cityscape sprawls around you, the shattered remains of buildings strangled by thick thorny vines of inky darkness. Puddles of black tar litter the ground, some seeping out of large cracks, occasionally erupting into sparks of ghostly flame. Just as you begin to wonder if you've been taken to another world entirely, you see the Atlantean Spire, the massive skyscraper tower and tallest building in the world, the most easily recognizable symbol of New Atlantis itself. Several vines of monstrous size have coiled themselves around the Spire, covered in thorns and made of the unknown black substance like the smaller specimens around you, cracks on their surfaces pulsating with dreadful energy. Can this really be New Atlantis? What happened to it in the past four months, and why didn't anyone outside notice? You are distracted from your thoughts by a sharp hiss nearby. Its source is a hideous thing straight out of some monster movie or video game, barely humanoid in shape, hunched over and sharp ice crystals protruding from its pallid skin. Darkness swirls around it, but unlike that of the woman earlier that felt like temptation itself, this energy makes every hair on your skin stand up in alert. Tattered remains of human clothing still cling to the creature, yet there is no intellect in its eyes as they focus on you, only the primal instinct to hunt and kill. Somehow, you're not nearly as afraid as you should normally be. In fact, you feel a newfound power surging through you, something you've never experienced before; the sense of danger from the monster before you is quickly becoming insignificant in comparison. Is this what the dark goddess has given you? Can you really use it to find out the truth and return this city to normal? Whatever the case is, you're here now, and it's up to you to make the best of this unprecedented situation…