[quote=@Caldizar] [right]"Number ten! Your beef Pad Thai with extra hoisin sauce is ready!"[/right] *Sighs, folding up the receipt and sliding it into my pocket before walking back to the stall to get my food* Thanks. *Giving the woman a small nod, I return to the bench and open up my plate, about to dig in when I notice a dark speck moving against the artificially illuminated horizon. Squinting, I call on a bit of my power to alter my vision, letting me see what it is more clearly* Huh, that's odd. I didn't think there were any hawks near here... *My eyes narrow into thin slits as I regard the bird, before quickly turning away with the slightest shake of my head* It's probably nothing. [i]By all the powers that be I hope it's nothing...[/i] *Focusing on my food, I begin to eat, pointedly ignoring the oncoming bird* [/quote] *Walks throughout the city, keeping my head down* ... *The hawk circles around your building once before continuing on its way*