[hider=Haiko's CS][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210217/7bab43af45bde7133729a4a11cc68e23.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Haiko [b]Appearance:[/b] Haiko is a short, scraggly kid with a head of uneven black hair and dark tanned skin. His right eye is almost always covered by his bangs, and the rest of his hair is either loose or tied in a low ponytail. Haiko wears ill-fitting clothes that he often has to sew together himself. His favorite colors to wear are reds and oranges. He rarely wears shoes. Haiko is short, even for a kid in his late teens. He stands around 5’2 and has an extremely thin build. [i](I am drawing an image now and will post it soon.)[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Hylian? [b]Background:[/b] Haiko has spent the majority of his life traveling vagabond, sometimes with a group and sometimes alone. Because of this, he feels no obligation towards anyone other than himself. Haiko greatly enjoys traveling, but it isn’t always sunshine and daisies. He has had to learn how to fend for himself and fight. Though not a seasoned fighter, Haiko has his quick wit and nimble movements. His preferred “weapon” is his walking staff that he carved himself. Haiko is pretty sure he’s a Hylian, but he never met his parents, so he’s not sure. He acts like he doesn’t care. On the road, if the road is safe, Haiko can be heard long before he’s seen. He tends to whistle or sing to himself to fight off boredom. He is quite content with being by himself, and on the rare occasion he crosses paths with somebody, he often leaves the impression of “annoying urchin boy”. Haiko embraces this by living up to the title. He tries to be irritating to humor himself, but in truth, he is quite awkward. However, being a lonely wanderer with no money, Haiko has learned to pickpocket unsuspecting travelers. He harbors no ill will towards wealthy individuals but tends to take from them to most. Haiko has, on multiple occasions, been chased around by guards for thieving an apple or two. [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral. Haiko has a very different worldview than most. He will mostly just go with what’s thrown at them. However, he is young and still impressionable. He could potentially be convinced the join either side. [b]Likes:[/b] Most animals, warm days with a slight breeze (so he can nap on a hill), shenanigans [b]Dislikes:[/b] Growing up, most conflict, commitment [b]Skill:[/b] Wackin’ people with sticks, pickpocketing[/hider]