[h3]Vera[/h3] [b]Aelrod's Mansion,[/b] [@Guilty Spark][@Moonshadow][@OwO][@Psyker Landshark] [hr] She could only clasp her hands together, wringing them behind her back as she turned Aelrod and Orga's answers over in her mind. It was unfortunate that the handful of competing textile merchants had been too optimistic a candidate for an antagonist. No, instead they had a component of Arskel's ruling class who were inviting factional conflict with the region's largest guild. Vera's eyes slid open, panning around the room. It had to be a joke. Oh, your guard was kidnapped by the henchmen of someone on the city council? Sorry, his life is currency spent in the political game and the guild values your continued investments so lightly against the enemies you've made that they sent [i]us[/i] to make you feel safe. Well, they were currency too. The object wasn't justice but satisfaction. Sure, just like the enemy had kidnapped a guard instead of killing Aelrod dead, they would go out and bag some fall guys on the other side, even hand them to the Watch and smile. She'd done her fair share of that. There was a tension to being evaluated that could not be dispelled but at least that was familiar. Before Vera could concoct something professional sounding to say, it turned out the real professional had something to say. Vera was happy to yield the floor to the knight, and with it the whole process of questioning. At least for the moment. [b]"Thank you kindly, Mister Aelrod, Mister Orga. I believe while the men are being gathered I shall go and have a look at the west garden, then."[/b] Bowing her gratitude as well as stating it, Vera then turned. A few uneven strides across the floor, a glance down at the paper dog slowly sliding out through the same door, and she was off to find her way to the scene of the crime.