[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HGEp0xb.gif[/img] [h2][color=thistle]Phoenix Wing Guild Hall - Trinity's Turn (Exiting)[/color][/h2] Nolan [@hatakekuro] | Ethel [@Lunarlord34] | D'angelo [@samreaper] Trinity [@CitrusArms] | Nyssa, Neil [@Sanguine Rose] | Elena [@PandaBrady][/center] Watching the spectacle of D'angelo being slammed to the ground caused a flinch from Ariel. Her worries of injury seemed unfounded though as the man just headbutt by her boyfriend seemed unharmed, nay, unfazed by the impact. Seemed Nolan wasn't the only resilient one in the family. After all was said the woman gave another mischievous smile. [color=thistle]"I think it's the ladies that are the killers with Nolan. I just broke him. Maybe I'll tell you that story some time. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about though and I have show this to Trinity so I'll leave you two to catch up."[/color] Raising a hand she drummed her now clawed hand against the case she was carrying while she narrowed her eyes. Then she perked back up in a flash. [color=thistle]"Toodles!"[/color] A word she never uses escaping her lips. Before anyone could object the bouquet was tossed into Ethel's arms, the girl still wrapped up in a few tails, and Ariel bounded away with her little sister in tow. There were a lot of people around that normally would be quite a distraction. At the moment though there was a mission to do. Well, not so much mission as there was something that had been brought along specifically for the benefit of Trinity and her work...hopefully. Under most circumstances Ariel would wait or try and gain her guildmate's attention. That was not this Ariel. She was bold, brash, and might be trying to give someone a heart attack. Marching right up to the bar she called out. [color=thistle]"Trinity, I need to show you something!"[/color] In one swift move she jammed a foot against the legs of the stool which caused it to shift forward out from under the Energy mage. Before she could figure out what was happening, Trinity found herself falling backward out of her seat only to be caught by Ariel. [color=thistle]"Oh yeah, and I think there's an event going on. But this thing first."[/color] Whirling around somehow avoiding hitting everyone with floofy tails the three of them, Ethel, Trinity, and Ariel, were headed to the doors of the guild hall. In the complete insanity that was just a few moment, as Trinity would regain her bearings, she would find herself being carried by a fox eared and many tailed Ariel. Somewhere in all of it she might get a glimpse of Ethel from time to time. [color=thistle]"Check this out."[/color] She placed the case in her guildmate's arms while she carried her. [color=thistle]"This has Machina magic in it. My mom uses these to make all kinds of contraptions. She said if I use it then maybe I can help you make things too. Cool huh?"[/color] This whole time she seemed entirely oblivious to any disruption she may have caused or how Trinity was reacting in the moment.