[@Lucius Cypher] Perfect! I think you can make Elf Slayer later to give you +effect vs elves at Tier 2 with the dwarvern negative. You could even get started on it as your upcoming downtime action when we get to that point so something to think about. Last call for traps & locks otherwise we'll go with these: [b]Locks:[/b] [indent]1 vote for an iron lock (padlock?) 1 vote to lock adventurers into the maze. [/indent] [b]Traps:[/b] [indent]1 vote for pitfall trap near mineshaft[/indent] If no one has a preference for the sanctum stairs I'll put it on the south exit of the Minion Room. Other then that, feel free to post IC with your monsters getting settled into life building a dungeon. My reccomendation would be to pick out a few scenes that are meaningful to your character (like overseeing rooms being built to your specifications, traumatising the imps, finding a place for the prisoner, ect). This section takes place over the course of a couple months so feel free to give us a taste of what it's like in your character's mind as they get settled in their new home. I'd like to see a little of each character before I put up the next GM post, which will lead us into the Lurking phase and downtime fun ;)