Kithri cheered up a little as Vivian complemented her skill in battle. It had not gone as planned, but the halfling was still proud of having taken down at least one on her own. She had offered a smile to the Elf and his inquiry, noting that she was simply observing while getting acquainted to the group. She conversed a touch about her hometown, having left there at a young age it would be clear that others were more familiar with its details than she. In the morning they continued onward, the elf far ahead as the two humans and halfling followed along. Kithri hummed quietly as they strolled along, nearly having to run to keep pace with her longer legged companions. When the words begun to get exchanged between the barbarian and the elf, the halfling's tune ended. She kept her distance, frowning at their behavior but figuring that it was better that they have it out now rather than in the midst of a fight against the actual enemy.