[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210119/e22bd06ad7c8eb71800663bf01cd8627.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr] Alja sat down, wearing a proud smile on her face as Benkei introduced himself, followed by Alex and Siegfried. [color=d1fffc][i]Huh. 17 years old, 20 years old, 20 years old? Looks like I fit right it.[/i][/color] She chuckled just a little bit. Benkei had seemed to think she was an adult when he'd made his confession to her of being a high school student. It was a shame it wouldn't make sense to mention how tall she was in real life; she had a feeling the reactions would be pretty funny. She nodded at them in turn; Kazuma, Alex, James, Lizzie. She leaned back in the chair, balancing precariously as she gave a loose salute. "[color=d1fffc]Well, if this is what we're doin', I might as well, right?[/color]" She gave a little cheeky bow, then let her voice slip back into its natural cadance. "[color=d1fffc]I'm Kelly Anne Mackay, from Scotland. 19 year old college student, goin' inta medicine; consequently, I know a little somethin' about first-aid and such and such. Not an expert, 'course, but I know enough to splint a broken leg, or what ta do when someone's bleedin' a lot. Someone gets hurt and Kazuki isn't 'round, I'm a decent bet.[/color]" She wondered for a moment; would people stop calling her Alja and call her Kelly instead? Because...that would be [i]weird.[/i] She'd been Alja in Pariah Online for a long time, and hearing her real name coming at the Titaness she was in-game was going to feel very mismatched. So after a moment, she spoke again, tipping her chair back forward. "[color=d1fffc]Feel free ta call me Kelly if you want when we're in down time like this. But I'm used ta Alja in Pariah, so if we're in combat or somethin' and you need me ta do somethin' [i]right now[/i], Alja's prob'ly best.[/color]"