The blade kept shaking sharply a small spark off light coming from it, power and spirits flowing from it. VT looked through the file and found the testing videos "Here watch" said and started to play the montage of the arrival of the kitsune. the first testing, he was absolutely out of control, destroyed everything and it took Vos and VT to put the fox back to sleep. But each time they would see no matter what the fox faced against, bullets, guns, bombs and warriors. He always rose above it, learned adapted, and overcame everything that ever hurt him. The fox's sheer resistance was stunning. But the training also showed, that the Corporation while using the fox was also helping him learn to control himself. Each training he could gain some sense of control, learning to be a good soul and not a gatekeeper. Relearning his humanity, to become beyond what he could ever dream to be. To be better, each test, each power level he gained he learned to control it, but not always smooth. VT spoke "one day Vos will retire from her spot," he said grimly, the only way the head of this organization retired is by dying. "And she needed something with a will far beyond her own to run when she was gone. " explained that she had found the spark in Toraksui to be able to do the impossible and push forward against all odds. Vis didn't have that drive, she did when she was younger, but it was fading away.