[center] [h1]Nemoton High School [i]Nemoton, Texas February 12, 2027 10:12 A.M.[/i][/h1] [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/modern-high-school-entrance-picture-id182472346?k=6&m=182472346&s=170667a&w=0&h=tCGwqnufZnSxa4ZLsdcCkuWamuWEFAm-gMeu6OCevwc=[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WmDNe4mZqM] Vibe Check [/url] What's a teenager's worst nightmare? Six years ago you might have answered "acne", "flunking", or "getting rejected in front of the entire student body". But today, there's only one answer: becoming a Freak. For reasons unknown, over the last two years teenagers all across America have started spontaneously developing powers. Sometimes only one will appear, but typically a handful will pop up in the same town at around the same time. These outbreaks have been the subject of a lot of news attention, especially when the powers turn out very destructive - with entire buildings wiped off the map and hundreds dead, special laws have been passed concerning these Freak teenagers. Now, when potential Freak activity is reported, it doesn't take long before Special Agents from the newly-created Bureau for Special Intervention show up to root out the source of the activity. Freaks will be taken away to special facilities, with only a handful of them ever to be seen again. Though a small minority have decried this as "cruel" or "unconstitutional", most people agree that hormonal teenagers with that kind of power should be locked away in the interest of public safety. Today, BSI Agents have just shown up at Nemoton High School. After a string of mysterious incidents around town, not everyone is surprised - but everyone is worried. [/center]