Trex frowned thoughtfully at the suggestion. It actually made some sense. However, he was a light sleeper and she probably would wake him getting the horses ready. "We'll figure it out." He stated. He chuckled at Zelia's response to Bodo liking to sleep and the fact his dragon slayer was like Trex. "Well, you know it's hard to get rid of something good." He stated. Then they talked about the Caelum wizards. He was still didn't like the idea that they could be hit but Zelia was right. They should be fine for now. Since they left Hargeon they hadn't seen the Caelum wizards. Sure there was that issue with the magistrate in Magnolia and Trex had no doubt that they were behind it. However, it had worked out and like most of the times before, the Caelum wizards did not try anything. He wondered if Ryzo and Tye really had any magic. However, that quickly disappeared. Of course they did. Ryzo had to if he was leading the others. From what Trex had gathered from Skye he doubted that the others would simply just obey, especially Tye, if Ryzo did not have something to back him up. Which brought up a big concern. What magic did he have that had the other four wizards follow him as their leader? And then Tye, she had to have some magic or something. Why else was Skye so afraid of her? It couldn't be just the older sibling thing could it? That was a bit more difficult. Sure Skye had magic and the ability to use her sword but maybe her fear of Tye came before she grew strong and now she didn't realize she had the ability to break that fear? To stand up? But no... Tye still had to have some magic or something. Though Ryzo seemed to be the leader, Tye did have some rank. There was no way she could have become second in command without something to back her up. Realizing that thinking about it would only make him more worried, Trex turned his thoughts away from that. Besides, they would deal with Caelum wizards when the issue arose. He had already threatened two of them that if they tried anything he would take them out. If they tried anything not only would the other team members come down on them but the guild itself might come down on them. He smirked as he thought about what Lucy, Natsu and the others would do if Flynn was hurt. Despite being an airhead at times, the celestial wizard was fairly powerful and in love with Flynn. He would hate to see what would happen to anyone who hurt her boyfriend. Realizing Zelia was giving him a strange look he cleared his thoughts and stared at the road. When she inquired what he had been thinking about he shrugged. "I was just thinking what Lucy would do if Flynn got hurt. Not to mention if Lucy got involved Natsu, Gray and the rest of the team would as well. The Caelum wizards wouldn't know what hit them." --- Skye stared at the large pile of books. This was going to take awhile. Picking up one, she leafed through it. The problem is they could spend days in here and never find anything. However, they would never find anything if they did not look. Starting the book she started to skim it. It was an interesting tale, something she might want to read later but nothing related to the color keys. Regrettably it had taken her an hour or so to find that out. Setting the book aside she stared at the pile before rummaging through it looking at the back. Her guess was that they would probably have a better chance finding a reference to one of the keys in a book discussing a celestial wizard then in a regular book on the magic. The next several hours passed quickly as the books she skimmed were fascinatingly interesting yet void of any reference. She shouldn't have been to surprised. The keys had been secret for a long time, otherwise more people would have known about them. Sighing she set another book aside. Most of the day had passed and they were no closer to finding what they needed. She looked at Flynn. His head buried behind a book he did not seem to ready to give up. It wasn't that she was giving up, more like getting a bit overwhelmed. There still about five books left from the ones Flynn had gathered not to mention hundreds more they hadn't yet pulled out. Steeling herself, Skye reached out and grabbed another book. She should just relax. She loved reading and learning new information. It was fascinating what she was reading but she felt bad that nothing she found would help Flynn. Needing to stretch her legs she rose. "I'll be right back." She said as Flynn looked her way. Walking away from the table she headed over to the bookshelves. Running her finger on the spines of the books as she walked she didn't bother to read the titles. She needed a break anyway. Reaching the edge of the row she looked around. The library was empty, all the other wizards finding what they needed and leaving. Heading down the next row she started to scan the titles of the books. Book after book about this adventure or that were displayed but nothing useful. Or nothing obviously useful. And it would take them weeks to read all the books, especially considering the bookshelf ran to the ceiling. Pausing halfway she sighed. She probably should go back. There were still books to read. Then a cover caught her eye. Unlike the usual brown jacket, this book had a dark blue binding causing it to catch her eye. Climbing up the ladder to have an easier time getting it, Skye pulled it out. The cover had a blue lizard on it and some random name. She frowned. What did this have to do with celestial spirits. Opening it up she skimmed the forward. Nearly falling from the ladder she quickly snapped the book shut. Jumping down she ran back to the table. Though her expression was a bit neutral, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "The blue color key." She stated as he looked from the book to her. "This book is all about it."