"Arch wizard tower you say, intriguing." Grinned Aseir as many wonderful items to pocket and sell in the shadows of alley ways. "Indeed, Allah has blessed me this day friend." Aseir said ,keeping his eyes on people's valuables, seeing which would be easy to steal. "Even Allah blessed me when he sent you to me, some could call it fate, others can say by message, but it was Allah, the almighty." Aseir said blinking his eyes, the sun was shining on something shiny and blinding Aseir. "Damn light." ------------------ Jun Lao spoke to the woman as he looked ahead, " I did not mean to offend you earlier Captain Tenria, please forgive my ignorance, I believe first time on a ship not only effected my stomach." "It must be nice to own your own ship, and sail across the world." "Where have you sailed your ship ?" asked Jun Lao, as they followed the servant.