Tobi shrugged as Tyrhallan gave him the namebearer bit. The family name was not something so imperative in lesser families. While it was true that the young lad was the only male and the inheritor of the title and business, Tobi had never really had his heart set on it. Now with him being in the military and his chance of surviving until the end of his sentence, the probability of the name continuing was that much more diminished. Still, he could understand why a person of the Knight Captain’s standing would care about passing on the legacy. The young mage had no doubt that the name carried with it all the weight of generations of great men and women. There was a slight pause as Tyrhallan went through his ritualistic table setting and blessing. In his childhood his mother, a believer, had tried to instill in her children proper manners but had failed considerably of no fault of her own. Still, the young mage tried to be respectful and observed some decorum to the extent of closing his mouth to chew and not speaking with his mouth full. Tobi listened to the silver haired man expose his own stance on leadership. A nod of his head after every point showed the Knight that the young man was still listening despite him shoveling bite after bite into his mouth. The young mage did not really have any objections, but he knew that very few, if any, military leader, especially those of rank, followed what the lord was stating. Oh the gentry were quick to call up duty and responsibility when levying taxes or troops but often forgot those same tenets when it was their turn to protect and provide for their subordinates. Many nobles saw peasants as nothing more than expendable and labor. Still, Tobi could appreciate that there were few that believed like Tyrhalland and his opinion of the man rose because of it. He shook his head when the Knight Captain excused himself as if this motion translated no need for apologies. After all, every man is at the very least entitled to their opinion. He stopped chewing and became more attentive when Arn was brought up. The young mage dissected every word. Weighed every sentiment and took note of the tone in which the Knight Captain delivered his reasoning, but the mange found no lie or error in what was said. Finally, Tobi nodded agreeing with Tyrhallan that the current course of action was perhaps for the best. The young mage offered his own sigh. He did not like the idea of parting from the side of such great a person as his reluctant mentor but he knew it was probably for the best. Swallowing his current bite of food the young man said in a melancholic tone. [color=00aeef]“You are right in both accounts. It is no secret that Captain Evander had it in for Master Arn. The fool thinks that there is this big plot brewing to embarrass him and seize control of the Shooting Stars. He has been looking for any excuse to send him to Court Martial. We both know that if that happens, it will not be a fair trail. A lowly noble he might be but Evander is still a noble. No offense” [/color] The young man paused wanting to see if Lord Venray would come to the aid of a fellow noble. A few seconds passed and he continued, this time in an apologetic tone. [color=00aeef] “Regarding the young miss. I fear that I am not at liberty to say. But if Master Arn trust you as I think he does, the only reason he may not say anything is because he has given his word. He may not be a knight or of high birth but his word is his bond.” [/color] This last part was said a bit forceful as if to prevent or squash any comment to the contrary. [color=00aeef]“All I will say is that I have never seen the man act the way he does. He may need help in the arena from somebody who is probably used to being around the female members of our society.”[/color] The young man offered a wink after his playful comment. But perhaps he was not too far off. Almost every member of the Shooting Stars knew that Arn had never even spoken to another female other than professionally. Tobi was caught by surprise by the offering of the stone. He took it in his hand and looked at it. He turned it over a couple of times and traced the V etched into he stone. A look of puzzlement could be easily seen. Not wanting to cause any sort of embarrassment or affront he said in a almost confused tone [color=00aeef]“thank you?”[/color] The young mage place the stone in his pocket. He was taking another bite when he noticed a familiar face in the crowd behind Tyrhallan. The young mage raised his hand and waved until he caught the attention of the other young lad, a Novice by the name of Lornian Carver. The flushed face showed he had been perhaps running. This was further confirmed by his gasps as he reached the table. [color=00a99d]“huff huff. Where…the huff Hell have you been Tobi? Huff… Evander wants….your..huff ass. No, no, I huff mean he wants you …back now.” [/color] The young lad huffed away. Lornian was a bit on the chubby side and the strain has obviously been taxing. Tobi chuckled [color=00aeef]“Catch your breath boy before you faint. Here have something to drink” [/color] The other pushed the cup away. [color=00a99d]“I..think huff he is serious Tobi we have to go”.[/color] Turning he suddenly caught sight of Tyrhallan and his eyes grew wider as he caught sight of the emblem in the chest of the man. He managed a stuttering [color=00a99d]“ interruption Knight Captain..I I.” [/color] Tobi placed a hand on the lad. [color=00aeef] “Its ok, relax Lorni. Captain Venray will not bite. He might give you a few days in the brig for the offense of not introducing yourself first but no more than a few days.”[/color] The other boy’s face turned pale and worried eyes regarded Tobi. [color=00aeef]“Relax man, I am just playing.” [/color] Tobi then turned to the silver haired lord. [color=00aeef]“Please excuse me Captain Venray. I enjoyed your company and your meal. It appears I am summoned though. Please take care of Master Arn.”[/color] A questioning look started to form on Lornian’s face but Tobi just pushed the lad forward. [color=00aeef]“I’ll tell you later come on before Evander pops a vein and we have to clean up the mess.”[/color] Lorni managed a stuttering [color=00a99d]“Excuse us”[/color] and was pushed away into the sea of bodies who were just as vibrant as it had been since the King’s speech. And just like that, Tyrhallan was alone with only a plate and the remnants of a chaotic meal as evidence of Tobi’s existence.