[quote=@The World] So that would be what we call a "Plane" then. Yeah, I know the term is slightly confusing since it often is used in more low-level form, but basically our system is that Existence is a Plane, alongside other "Existences" that we know nothing about (bar one Plane in particular) and can't access, all of which fits on what is called a "Scale", which is like an omniverse for Planes. Then there's, theoretically, lower Scales and at least one known higher Scale, all of which can't interact with our Scale. If all that makes sense, it sounds like the only thing to note would be that Zachary is from a different Plane that probably doesn't work off of Code, but does likely work off philotes regardless of that? Since he's in Existence he's likely been converted to Code to, well, "exist" in it. (Code being in the simplest terms the things which the states of determine bigger things. Like atoms were thought to be and sort of like DNA just with countless possible states.) Wrote more but "Multiplayer" and "Anarchic Verses" sort of already say everything I was going to, so I'll leave it out unless you want to hear it. [/quote] Ah, well yeah in this case it would be another Plane, at least as I'm determining it here. This was written by someone who was just making their own CYOA and lore, so it probably won't fit entirely perfectly if we go into what makes each function. Especially since I don't know all of what makes the Verse he comes from run outside of minor mentions in the CYOA itself to creation energies, along with Ad and Sub Deus. Whatever either of those last two are. Good thing I didn't make one of his goals Amaranth then, because as far as the author of the CYOA intended, that's actual omnipotence. Like, no limit, and since it's described as a level of power beyond what a Living God currently has, I could easily see it being him ascending to that higher Scale you mentioned. At least in this case, since the author says all narratives and stories are yours in the description of it. But uh, he ain't geared towards that, so.