[u][b]The Tribes of the Roaming Hills[/b][/u] [b]Heraldry:[/b] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/813162642629197844/Heraldy-1.jpg[/img] [b]Territory:[/b] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/813149017772130325/Map_of_Ishtar.png[/img] [b]Species:[/b] Human Majority, Elven Minority. [b]History: [/b] [hider=Years 1901-2107: Northern Exodus and Servitude to Orduin] [img]http://justfunfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/alaska-range.jpg[/img] Long ago the northern beastmen began the formation of a great host to march southward. Sharing these frigid lands with the beasts were various tribes, clans, and chiefdoms populated with hardy human-folk. Throughout the years, since the time of even the first incursion; the wild-men of the far north would formulate an alliance to fight off the beastmen threat, failing utterly most of the time; but by banning together they were never wiped out completely. However, they were slowly but surely pushed out of the northern lands with every defeat sending them further south. In 1901 the beastmen began another great incursion southward. The men of the north followed suit and formed their usual alliance, at this point they had already established a vast history of allying together, acting as a sort of proto-confederation of sorts. However, it would take one final push to bring them together in an official capacity. This was the greatest horde yet, and it was the final push. Fighting went on for two long years, during which countless chiefdoms, clans, and tribes were wiped out completely; their tales lost to the whimpers of time. The northmen had no choice but to flee all the way south to the lands of Ishtar. In 1903, the beastmen descended onto the Orduin Empire, and the rest of Ishtar from the north. Before the horde’s arrival, imperial scouts also had reports of a large nomadic warband making their way across the Empire’s northern border. The arrival of the beastmen quickly overshadowed these concerns. The barbarians were at this point little more than glorified refugees, they spent the next 10 years wandering northern Ishtar, raiding, farming, and the odd mercenary work as they roamed the hills, earning themselves the name “The Tribes of the Roaming Hills”. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e1/f6/89/e1f6893b0ff76a3f79cfdd40e921b1c0.jpg[/img] While this was happening, peasants, noblemen, and soldiers alike felt threatened by this large force of what was essentially the entire population of a displaced region dropped smack dab in the middle of Imperial territory. Many hostilities had already transpired, and the people of the Roaming Hills were dying of starvation and illness rather than the way of blades; yet not fast enough for them to be a problem that could be ignored. In the year 1913, a deal was struck between the Emperor and the chieftains of the Roaming Hills. Knowing of their experience fighting the beastmen, he gifted them the regions on the Empire’s northern most boarder. The very region under the most threat by the beastmen. Most of the farmers and tribes local to the region had either fled, were killed by beastmen warriors, or were so few in number they were simply absorbed into the Roaming Hills community. As part of the deal, the warriors of the Roaming Hills pledged themselves to the Orduin Empire, serving as auxiliares in the Imperial Legion. And playing a crucial role in the defense of the northern border, in which they would lose, retake, and lose again in a seemingly endless bloody conflict that lasted for almost 200 years. Throughout these years of service, many attempts had been made to “uplift” the people of the Roaming Hills, however the constant assaults by the beastmen left few chances to build anything long lasting. Even so other tribes and pockets of those considered “uncivilized” company began making their way towards the roaming hills in search of promised free land, including elven-folk who had lost their homes to political strife and warfare long ago, or otherwise belonged to a more savage elven communes which struggled to conduct themselves in polite society. Whatever the case, whenever civilization began to properly take root, a beastman assault would occur and subsequently set back all progress that had been made. The people of the Roaming-Hills began focusing harder on small nomadic communities and clans that could easily flee from beastmen attacks and return after they left. Many within the Roaming-Hills began resenting their Imperial overlords, feeling that they were being used as a sacrificial bufferzone to hold off beastmen attacks, among other disputes, such as perceived weakness of the Empire’s people. For now this resentment was held in check. In the year 2103, General Keppin of the Imperial Legion began to gather up his force of five legions. One of the first groups approached were the tribes of the Roaming Hills, at this point well known for their endless feud with the beastmen. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/2LJaHr9YLs2bCDD9kLBVTowL70rVZ75-m2t_i9zkFxA/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/1a/f3/45/1af34529d59e1af3906855b00d0f776e.jpg[/img] The barbarians played a key role in the legion’s strategies serving as vanguard or shock-trooper units. With many of the chieftains and famous warriors laying down their lives in the subsequent battles against the northern horde. This came to a head in the year 2107 when General Keppin lead his forces into beastmen territory, the original home of the roaming hills people. They managed to finally obtain victory over their ancient foe. However most of the Roaming-Hills warriors were part of the 2 lost legions, leading to huge portions of the adult population being wiped out. Those warriors who returned festered in them a reinvigorated resentment of their Imperial masters. Some thought the tribes would return north, but after years of living in Imperial territory as well as the addition of new southern-blood kin, they no longer associated the northern lands as anything but an ancient home of ancestors from so long ago that they held little in common. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/FdD1nNW0RrZBEuzdK36FvGSvmVfiRNs5xs-gag1G7bg/https/img2.goodfon.com/wallpaper/nbig/5/60/diablo-3-art-varvar-varvara.jpg?width=733&height=468[/img] [/hider] [hider=Years 2108-2270: The “Golden Age” and Secession Crisis] It was now the year 2108 and for a time there was some matter of peace. This is considered the cultural renaissance of the Roaming-Hills, as they told stories of their exploits during the beastmen wars and ages past. It was at this time that many of the tribes as they are known today established themselves amongst their peers. The barbarians continued to join the Imperial Legions and pay tributes to the regional governors of the empire. This would be the most traditionally civilized the tribes would become, with some considering this the golden age of the Roaming Hills, while others felt it was an era of humiliation and degradation as the culture of the empire began eating away at old traditions, many tribes began turning on each other in small scale conflicts and the people of the Roaming Hills were no longer considered as the great warriors of days past but just another backwater people who could barely pay taxes and supply crops to their intellectual betters. Hostilities with Orduin citizens, farmers, and nobility began to crop up more and more causing the anti-empire sentiment to spread. In addition the farmland in the northern region was ruff and difficult to tend. Hunting and fishing were also very limited, and the mines were already owned by others loyal to the empire. Still, at this time the tribes were able to enjoy some years of autonomy that was highly valued by the people. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/02/93/29/029329f77586f1112139442d407aea17.jpg[/img] In the year 2243 hostility between the roaming hills and Imperial Governor Asterhall, the man who presided over that portion of the frontier region erupted. Clan Breakbone, a large clan which hailed from one of the greater tribes broke away and began raiding southward, pillaging a number of farmsteads, homes, and small villages; calling like minded men and women to their cause as they went. They even ended up recruiting a large group of desert bandits from the Petty Kingdom of Ivenhoe, along with members of the Dancing Blades, a militant group of elven extremists who felt their kind were oppressed by the humans of the empire. Having increased their numbers, clan Breakbone and their followers, split into two forces. One was sent to seize the mines, the economic heart of the region. The other made their way to the local governor’s villa, hoping to capture him and his family; along with any other important officials at the time. The governor was warned ahead of time by informats within the tribes. He ended up abandoning the mines, calling all his troops to defend his villa. Using his forces strategically he managed to lure all the attacking forces into the villa before laying siege to his own home, trapping the attackers inside and wiping nearly all of them out. Any captured alive were executed publicly within the next few days. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/a2/a2/b0a2a204ff564d88477927a9ffc4b545.jpg[/img] He then reached out to his son, a prominent member of the Imperial Legion at the time, who arrived with a sizable force. Together they retook the mines, killing and capturing any of the remaining ring leaders. However it is said that remnants of the Breakbone rebellion survived and would reorganize in secret. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/PphOJIfOUmYSZkjKWQX6OQC5qqhwywrtn-gZL_JAQa4/http/cdn.wallpaperhi.com/1920x1080/20120522/mountains%2520landscapes%2520winter%2520snow%2520castles%2520fortress%2520vikings%2520fantasy%2520art%2520cage%2520barbarian%2520artwork%2520warrior_www.wallpaperhi.com_45.jpg?width=832&height=468[/img] By the year 2244, the governor, rather than attempt to ease hostilities, held the entirety of the Roaming-Hills responsible for the insurrection (never mind the fact that many of his own soldiers who fought against the rebels were auxiliares from the region). He began passing policy that stripped away the autonomy of the Roaming-Hills, slowly but surely putting them under his thumb; while instituting schools of “cultural thought” a type of mandatory boarding school that youths would have to live full time, particularly younger children who didn’t have to help with farm work. These schools were presented as free education for the children of the tribes but were actually glorified prisons whose only real purpose was filling the youth’s heads with propaganda and hatred for their own people. In the year 2248 the tribes of the roaming hills; who for years already served as a type of proto-confederation, tightened their bonds by forming a proper and legally organized moot (rather than the off the record ones they had held for years). They formulated a council of chiefs and shamans, pushing back politically against the governor. Even within the halls of the imperial court they had supporters. With imperial officials coming out to speak and advise this council on their political endeavors. Clergymen from all the major faiths in the empire also lent their support, with local priests and abbots belonging to converted tribes even getting seats on the council. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/6USXmp1gdqtMswcG11NiT6VE-PFiWUEm6st90CpUh5Q/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/c5/22/2a/c5222aa07815a75f69ec080f07c81270.jpg?width=832&height=468[/img] They were able to fight back against the governor’s top-down policies, repurposed the schools of “cultural thought” for actual education (something that even many imperial villages didn’t have), and organize their own militias, rather than be at the mercy of the governors forces. In the year 2260 the situation took a major downturn. Back at the Imperial court, the party in which Governor Asterhall belonged to had outmaneuvered their opposition; granting increased authority to the centralized government and overruling countless local government policies that the Roaming-Hills relied on to maintain their independence. Undoing years of work. The tribes declared that they would actively and knowingly disregard the policies passed by the senate and the regional governor; claiming they showed obvious favoritism towards the more highly populated and Imperialized parts of the empire. In response Governor Asterhall, now an old-man, led his forces into the tribal regions with the intent of arresting the council and enforcing their laws upon the people. The council of chiefs and shaman convinced themselves to make one last attempt at a peaceful resolution; however this did not prevent most of the chiefs from preparing their warriors for war. A delegation made up of the most diplomatic of the chieftains, shaman, clergy, and what few imperial officials still stuck their necks out for the tribes, met the governor’s forces halfway. Negotiations began going south quickly, with the only form of compromise the governor offered being a different form of surrender. He then attempted to have the entire delegation arrested, but was betrayed by his own soldiers. Many in the governor's forces were auxiliaries from the roaming-hills and while they stood aside before, all it took was a handful of soldiers refusing to cause mass defection within his ranks. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/goTvh6Tfyk8U3pA2prU9DyTdqHh9Gjvjah2HfH0rouE/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/12/e1/40/12e14004b1b8e18cd6fa962d3f000c59.jpg?width=763&height=468[/img] However, not all the soldiers were from the roaming-hills and even amongst those who were there were many who chose to stay loyal to Governor Asterhall. A battle erupted and many of the peace delegation were killed, along with Governor Asterhall himself, stabbed to death by a mysterious elven girl disguised as a servant. Later it would become known that this girl was a descendent of the Breakbone Rebellion remnants, who combined with the Dancing Blades, as well as the Ivenhoe bandits and other sympathizers who joined them years prior to form the new Clan Breakblade. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811252694995435520/Dealing_with_the_Accord.jpg[/img] After the carnage was over, the survivors of both sides of the mutiny retreated back to their respective sides. For the tribes it was a sign that the matter would not be solved peacefully. For many Imperials it was confirmation that the roaming-hills was a threat to the Orduin Empire. But both sides understood that conflict was inevitable. Near the end of the year, the tribes declared that until power was returned to the hands of local leaders they would be declaring their independence from the regional government (and by extension the Orduin Empire.) The Council of Chiefs and Shaman was reorganized into the great tribal confederation of the Roaming-Hills, and the Tribes of the Roaming Hills became an official power in the land. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/33/8a/4b338a9060d38fed14f0782c89af8ee1.jpg[/img] In the years 2261-2270 the region entered a time of conflict, later known as the Roaming Hills secession crisis. One by one the more moderate members of the confederation died in battle, and more extreme clans such as Clan Breakblade (who had rejoined the Roaming Hills shortly after the war began) began holding more and more influence amongst the people. The semblance of civilization that had formed during the “Golden Age'' quickly melted away, and as the tribes got more desperate their tactics became more gruesome. The title of regional governor became a rotating door of assassination, with even the late governor Asterhall’s son (who had aided in ending the Breakbone rebellion) finding himself ambushed and killed while on his way to the capital to request aid from his old legion. Both sides committed untold atrocities, and rather than the conflict causing them to grow adverse to warfare, it made them commit to win even more. Some of the Imperials burned down churches and temples filled with people. Some of the Roaming-Hills turned to the dark blood-magic of the old ways; sacrificing the elderly, and the crippled for power; while raiding and ravishing innocent imperial farmers and citizens across the land. [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/OVyqi5b5UFYmloBis2huOB9GviEJ03hPHaYPUTYGr-g/%3Fw%3D1024/https/frisiacoasttrail.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/11_770_437108910995190901511980100.8618.jpg?width=893&height=468[/img] In the year 2270, an organized, and well supplied Legion was dispatched to finally bring an end to the conflict. The already battered and fatigued Roaming-Hills tribesmen could do little against the fresh forces of the Imperial Legion. [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/z2dpaljFXQzhdq5m2dLB0jCGOC7v69uYJAhJ0iQxsow/%3F1424781261/https/cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/497/863/large/mariusz-kozik-caesar-in-gaul-final-alter-my.jpg?width=794&height=468[/img] As one by one tribes were eliminated by the Empire’s might the chieftains of the tribes found themselves split into two opinions. One side wished to stand and fight, believing that they could easily beat those they perceived as weak cowards, or at the very least felt an honorable death was better than retreat or surrender. The other group decided that the only way for the confederation to survive was for them to flee. To return to the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors, and create a new life on the road. In the end the confederation broke into two, and while those who stayed behind (whatever their intentions) were almost completely wiped out, it was their sacrifice that allowed for the other half to flee the lands, heading far into the west towards open land. The time had come for the Tribes of the Roaming-Hills to roam once more. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/52/ac/0c52acf151eebd2b5334b34dc6a25e5d.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Years 2271-2621: The Nomadic Warriors.] From the year 2271-2299 the tribes of the Roaming-Hills became a nomadic people that wandered from place to place. The combined stresses of war, desperation, and a declining population (both from deaths as well as defections) drove the tribes to follow the old ways of strength and plunder. They began raiding villages in the north western region, slowly mastering the art of raiding, extortion, and the life of a truly nomadic warrior culture. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/4JH3CplLsG_4Udz7PqySll1pHV19yZi_P6N2gPsWw-E/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/22/55/c02255f78d0932555f28eb67c1e1da5c.jpg[/img] By the year 2300 they had come into their own and moved southward, becoming adventurers, mercenaries, and were paid a “protection” tribute by any who feared them, including nobility. Those who were unwilling or unable to pay such tributes would often find themselves set upon as the next target for raiding. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6e/c0/5c/6ec05c99ce31c786d9bbe5d5b54be552.jpg[/img] While they were nomadic and some owned horses they were not exactly horse-fairing people, which caused them to move slower across Ishtar than similar cultures may have. They relied heavily on specialized and honored scouts who would be almost always on the move, to keep them informed about troop movements, and the goings on throughout the land; political or otherwise. By the year 2400 the Tribes of the Roaming Hills were a well known warband of marauders, mercenaries, and savages who reveled in combat, pillaging, and indulgent festivities. They involved themselves in countless minor conflicts across Ishtar, coming to the aid of sides that were almost guaranteed to lose, changing the political makeup of everyplace they left on the whims of the chief-moot. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yfhhhHRVLvcB_LK1rUh1gP9fxiXyOOVofYafgGiDxbc/https/c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/501/733/211/vilius-petrauskas-the-visigoths-germanic-tribe-visigoths-wallpaper-preview.jpg[/img] They thought nothing of what became of the places they left behind, only concerning themselves with the next big payout, battle, or feast. By now countless like minded people across Ishtar joined up with them, including bandits, deserters, mercenaries without work or a company, and other undesirables who needed a place to go. These people, camp followers and fellow warriors alike were labeled clanless, and did not have the same legal protection within the confederation as those belonging to a clan did. In the year 2423, the bug invasion of the “Great Swarm” began. The Roaming-Hill Tribes were south at the time, laying siege to the castle of Gunger; home of a southern lord who had made powerful enemies in the Imperial Court. These enemies offered the Roaming-Hills a generous amount to make the lord of Gunger’s life a living hell. They were five days into the siege, and both sides were caught completely off-guard when an endless swarm of bug-like creatures they had never seen before came crawling from the rear of the Roaming Hill forces. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812817262246887424/eb925b8ef799fd5d37d72aad97ff6687.png[/img] The warriors of the tribe immediately began attacking the bug creatures, leading to a three way fight that ended with the castle getting taken by the bugs, and many of the Roaming Hill warriors being slain in battle. As a nomadic people with no castle to retreat to, the rest of the barbarians who were camped nearby (children, elderly, slaves, injured, and other non-warriors) were seen as soldiers who had refused to retreat to their nest by the swarm, and were set upon. Those who fought were killed, those who fled, hid, or begged were captured and divvied out to fates unknown. This day would go down as the “Tragedy of Gunger” and it was only the beginning. For the first time in years, since the initial end of the Secession Crisis of 2270, the people of the Roaming-Hills were once again forced to flee. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/-RvtLLCxfmkRRihDDWTbeQXzoNa6Qx2KnQJnYFJ_CC0/https/i1.wp.com/25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbwgl3K4231qer9b0o1_500.jpg[/img] For days as the Roaming-Hills fled their population was slowly picked off, killed or captured by the forces of the swarm. By the time all was said and done in the year 2424 when the Orduin Empire finally fell, the Roaming-Hills had lost nearly half of their population. Things were looking bad, but the moot came together and by the time the united counter attack began in the year 2425, the tribes of the Roaming-Hills had already began their fight, killing scores of bugs before the counter attack had even officially begun. The Tribes of the Roaming Hills kept up the onslaught against the bugs until the year 2430. Having their fill of vengeance and becoming concerned about the growing changes to Ishtar’s political structure they set out to find new lands to raid and battles to fight. From 2431-2621 the Roaming Hill tribes had gotten involved in countless battles and wars within the various developing nations. They enjoyed many victories, offering their services to any who could pay for them, and raiding any who could not; sometimes both. [/hider] [hider=Year 2622] In the year 2622, the Roaming Hill Tribes were contacted by members of the Duchy of East Orduin, an alliance of nobility who descended from members of the former Imperial Senate, and other noble families of the old empire. The so called ArchDuke of the alliance was one of many who claimed to have royal blood in his veins, and he might have been right. The Duchy of East Orduin was locked in a constant brutal struggle with the forces of the Valanor Accord to the north as well as border hostilities with the Great Shi in the south. They had rich, fertile lands, access to one of the great lakes of Ishtar, and were seated within the halls of the former Imperial Capital, giving them the most legitimacy to any who cared for such matters; along with the infrastructure of a colossus city in which many raw materials could be produced into various goods. However, while the Duchy did have some decently trained soldiers who fancied themselves legionnaires, along with a sizable pool of levies to draw from; it mostly relied on mercenaries. They hired folk from every corner of Ishtar, even the beetles from the bug lands of the far south. With a major company of mercenaries abandoning their contract after suffering heavy losses, the Duchy required a force to make up the difference and then some. Many knew of the Free-Roamers and their reputation; thus a messenger was dispatched, inviting the barbarians to the capital. Unfortunately for the ArchDuke, he had not predicted the nature of newly proclaimed High Chief Ralof, who had much greater aspirations than being a lowly Warlord for hire. The former Imperial Capital would be pillaged for a second time since the age of chaos began. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812135349128003594/the-course-of-empire-destruction-1836-thomas-cole.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Culture:[/b] [hider=Culture] The people of the Roaming-Hills live a hard life, where you are just as likely to die by the hands of a fellow barbarian than an enemy blade. Throughout their history, the more people described them as barbarians the more they felt inclined to live the greatest personification of the barbarian life that they could muster. Sex, violence, slavery, kidnapping, and even death (so long as it only happens to the right people) are treated casually by the men and women of the tribes. Of course with everything there are exceptions that only become noticeable at a later time. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812135328256491590/pillars-of-eternity-the-white-march-part-2-arrives-in-january-2016-adds-meneha-the-barbarian-496246-.jpg[/img] Clan Affiliation: All legitimate members of the Roaming Hill Tribes belong to a subset of people called a clan. Those who did not belong to a clan or were kicked out of their clan are labeled clanless, and while a clanless person may be allowed to follow the tribes on their escapades and fight beside them in battle, they do not hold the same legal protection, nor rights, as a full-fledged clan member. There are three ways to be accepted into a clan. Most people are born into the clan they belong to with little fan-fair. Others end up marrying in; as the clanless spouse (not to be confused with concubine or slave) take on the clan name of whichever belongs to a clan (male or female). In cases where both spouses belong to a clan the more prestigious clan will usually win out, although it is technically left up to the choice of the bride and groom. Lastly it is possible for the clan leader to declare their patronage, or for patronage to be requested by any clanless person warrior or no. There is no legal binding preventing someone from inviting a clanless into their clan (however that does not mean there are no consequences in practice). [/hider] [b]Religion:[/b] [hider=The Church of the One:] The Faith of the One has found their influence slowly growing amongst member tribes of the coalition. [/hider] [hider=Zentarism] Similar to the faith of the Church of the One, Zentarism has surprisingly taken roots within a small subset of clans and tribes. [/hider] [hider=The Old Ways:] While many aspects of these nomadic people’s culture have not survived the hardships of time, this ancient way of life has persisted. Rooted in old wisdom, it’s followers look upon the natural world for strength, wisdom, and guidance, even so there are two distinct ways in which practice of this ancient religion will manifest. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812036870242041923/image2.jpg[/img] [color=8dc73f]The way of Solas[/color]: This is the path of being intune with nature, honoring one's ancestors and respecting the land which keeps one fed. Followers of this path will often be seen engaging in forms of meditation, spirit dancing, and even the occasional pilgrimage out into the remote wilderness. [color=662d91]The way of Dorcha[/color]: This is the path of paying tribute to the earth, often in blood. Followers of this path are no strangers to blood offerings, ritualistic dismemberment, self mutilation, and if rumors are to be believed... witchcraft. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812135361337753610/d44a168064de8cb8858dd4be83e9c179.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Government:[/b] [hider=Government:] The Tribes of the Roaming Hills are lead by the High-Chief, who is often selected from among the Chieftains present at a Chief-moot. While the High-Chief holds the power to command the forces of the Roaming Hills and dictate their collective military actions, raiding, and foreign activities, a great deal of domestic law is still handled on a tribe by tribe basis… at least for now. As things stand the Roaming Hills are currently being led by High-Chief Ralof of the Shiverbone tribe who has taken up residence in the newly conquered capital city. [img]https://www.worldanvil.com/uploads/images/ecf8369363b41134626c3a6ce73114d5.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Economy:[/b] [hider=Economy:] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812820849236246600/loot.png[/img] The Tribes of the Roaming Hills, makes a good portion of their income from raiding and pillaging. That being said, there are many among them and those they conquer who are proficient farmers, craftsmen, and traders. On top of the barbarians who currently run the region, former imperial citizens living in and around the capital contribute to the economy of this young power. This includes the sprawling Imperial capital, which holds countless shops and businesses that provide the infrastructure to take raw materials and make processed goods. With all these factors in mind the land produces wheat, oats, barley, wine from old Imperial vineyards, livestock such as pigs and chickens, game, leather, pottery, lumber, both salt and freshwater fish from the lake and sea respectively, textiles, processed wood and boards, along with a variety of luxury goods such as silks, dyes, fine clothes, jewelry, embroidery, tapestry, leather work, and some metal work. [/hider] [b]Military:[/b] [hider=Military:] The barbarians of the Roaming Hills have a very simplistic style of military organization. Each chieftain commands their own force, and the High Chief commands the chieftains, (along with his or her own tribe of course). Likewise the clan leaders serve as sub-commanders to the chieftains, although there is more wiggle room in this regard. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e3/7d/c6/e37dc6234253b07510a264bdf032e137.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]RP Characters[/b] [hider=Notable Figures] [hider=High Chief Ralof] High Chief Ralof: The current High Chief of the Roaming Hills, as well as Chief of "Shiverbone" tribe. A powerful and bombastic leader, yet behind this simple barbarian is a conniving mind. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810682393727729714/812124270448476180/Barbarian_King.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Thernald] Thernald: Elder brother of High Chief Ralof, unwilling or unable to compete with his younger brother, he has voluntarily taken up a subordinate role. Often considered the more honorable of the two. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811455234713976873/Tharneld.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Daughters of Ralof] [hider=Brikeasil] Brikeasil: Eldest daughter of High Chief Ralof, Brikeasil is as powerful and bombastic as her father, and while dangerously arrogant at times, she is ultimately a warrior of honor. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811455319158161418/Brikeasli.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Vae] Vae: The middle daughter of High Chief Ralof, inheriting a mind just as cunning as her father's Vae is something of a de facto leader for the trio of half-sisters. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811455370513219584/Vae.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Thrie] Thrie: The youngest of the three, Thrie is not as cunning or as powerful as her two older sisters, but she makes up for it with her raw ferocity and determination. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811455473885904936/Thrie.png[/img][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811455477224964106/Thrie.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Airis Vallie] Airis Vallie: The former betrothed of the late Arch Duke of the Duchy of East Orduin, now just another prisoner after High Chief Ralof and his horde seized and plundered the former Imperial city. It is whispered that she has ties to the Hesper bloodline, it is likely that the late Arch Duke sought to marry her to further legitimize his own claims of royal linage. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/813094750063427625/LAdy.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Esild] Esild: Current lover of High Chief Ralof, member of the "Shiverbone" tribe. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/811455898307657728/Esild.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Dakor] A large brutal warrior, and head enforcer for High Chief Ralof, although it is said his conversations with Thernald could be tempering him.. He is a member of the "Shiverbone" tribe. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812135336808546335/Grash.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Urikor] Loyal and pragmatic, Urikor is a well reagrded warrior among the "Shiverbone" tribe. He is the older brother of Dakor. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812135333276811275/758bb42cc1902394d86dca8241ef2c5f.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Brella] Urikor's wife, Brella is a former bandit hailing from Wisserland. Through marriage to Urikor she is now a member of the "Shiverbone" tribe. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812135323106410496/eeaece7de6da75ab16a91b8b2c62d374.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Lucidia] Lucidia: An ancient Witch of the woods, practitioner of the Old Ways and keeper of tales and secrets. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812036871043022848/image5.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Chief Aurkon] Aurkon: Chief of the "Spleen Eaters" a brutal cannibalistic tribe which often engages in the way of Dorcha. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812124359220789338/ccc3d43d056bf3935b661e435188701e.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Sìle] Sìle: Daughter of Chief Aurkon, her small frame hides a large appetite. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810682393727729714/812124342338060318/9c75f85506bd50c3ed368c791ec0450b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Hrovrak] Hrovrak: Son of Chief Aurkon, it is said that Aurkon's tribe offered up Hrovrak's mind in return for a stronger body. [img]https://i.imgur.com/RyhwaD8.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Other Chiefs and Tribals] These characters will be added in as they make appearances within the RP section. [/hider]