[quote=@whizzball1] The definition of god is something that is hotly debated. It has been on people's minds for thousands of years. Your own philosophical concept of a god is what you are bringing in here, or perhaps the concept of whoever wrote this CYOA. I will not debate the merits or demerits of your concept of a god, but argue that you must use a [i]different definition[/i] than the one you are currently using to fit it in Myriad Reality, and whatever definition you decide on, it should allow that he has limited power in wider Existence, and that his sphere of influence is within Existence and underneath it. If you want your being of absolute power to be absolutely safe in wider Existence, that's probably fine. But his power should be limited as it affects others. [/quote] Again, I intend for him only to use the bare basics of Omnikinesis, and even then he can still be injured and hurt. The only times that might not apply are when there's actual consequences, though he could still decide to feel like a human does for the sake of maintaining some normalcy. As for what parts of Omnikinesis specifically, since time manipulation is really more of a detriment than a blessing, at most maybe creating things or a form of telekinesis. Those are powers I can reasonably manage and use in a way that doesn't break posting flow. As for my definition, I use what the CYOA goes by since that's what he's based so heavily on, but I added the caveat that he isn't here to abuse his power. Again he's running from it, and my most recent post was really just giving him reason to go talk to Illings again, being motivated to get involved with things just a tiny bit.