[quote=@Meta] A goal that works equally as well by making him the god of a cluster whose left his home for another. Making it a Plane brings about a lot more complications seemingly arbitrarily. [/quote] It really doesn't. I already explained how only he in his Plane knows of other Existences, and how all he's done is erase all evidence of his existence there before leaving, but whatever. I've repeated myself more than enough as it is. I really don't get what the problem is. The lore can work just because of how you all [i]wrote[/i] it, and you have no problem with my ability to play an OP character, I've said using his powers to just win isn't my goal here... What more do you fucking want? Like sure, maybe a Living God is a tad problematic. Just say there are beings who can manipulate entire Planes existent within the Scale, and boom we have an in. I make Living Gods rare to the point of nigh-impossibility, save for Zachary, and we leave the rest up to speculation. Problem solved. Because he won't manipulate Existence, well save his own, and as for any other beings well they may or may not actually exist.