[quote=@The World] Popping in again because why not, again not reading anything, but it basically comes down to: Do you want him to be unique as the only Living God there is, period, ever, anywhere, in any Plane... or do you want him to be one of many? Because if it's the former, a Plane would theoretically work, though we'd need to put a lot of thought into how they work in general because we're not at the stage in MR where even thinking about Planes was necessary. But if it's the latter then Planes simply won't work because they're not infinite or close enough to be filled with countless Living Gods. [/quote] I mean his modes of transcendence imply other Living Gods, but they died so he could eventually come about. So they were not only weaker but could die, meaning that I could easily make him the very last one anywhere. And since he has Unbound and is a Versal Constant, no other versions of him exist. Granted they couldn't ascend anyway, but you get the idea. I can say that, for the purposes of this RP, he is the very last one and thus entirely unique. Or I could change the mode of transcendence, though that kind of messes with his character arc majorly. Additionally, being the sum of several weaker gods means I can adjust how powerful they were accordingly. So maybe powerful in their respective areas, but not enough to say cross into another Plane and such. And Zachary, well you already know what I intend for him.