[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181112/67dc660c02507d0cef8828da24d9010c.png[/img] [img]https://uploads.spiritfanfiction.com/usuarios/jornal/fichas--returns-8317853-090320172102.gif[/img] [I][@Morose][@KazAlkemi][@BlueSky44][@Natsu][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][@Framing A Moose][@kittyluna45] [/I][/center] [center][url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/687147359884410948/Argo_III_Exterior.png]Agro III Exterior[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/687147435981799502/Agro_III_Interior.png]Argo III Interior[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/687147509713207296/Argo_III_Cargo_Stables__Engine_Room.png]Argo III Cargo Hold, Engine Room, & Stables[/url][/center] [hr][hr] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kiera Donovan[/color] & [color=7FFFD4]Madalyne Crane[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/232370040/original.gif[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/c0f265cd6c663157fb22c8a91d5df3c0/tenor.gif?itemid=15761463[/img] [i]Location: [color=7FFFD4]Madalyne's Villa -> Senate House[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]Fields of Mars[/color] Skills: Madalyne: Greek & Roman Mythology Kiera: Sword Fighting[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Madalyne nodded slightly, most of her family as far as she could tell was probably long dead, or were really old now since she was trapped in the Lotus Hotel & Casino for years with Nancy, the only good thing that actually came out of it. [color=7FFFD4]"We have the Lares who look into that and update the ancestral records and what not."[/color] Madalyne said, they were the ghostly guardians of New Rome and Camp Jupiter, she turned towards the records room of the Senate building and started to search around. It took her a bit but she managed to find the records for her family, and took the whole entire thing. She came out a few seconds later holding the folder out to Andy for her to keep looking over at her for a moment and smiled Andy would be greeted by Gryf just outside of the senate building. [color=7FFFD4]"Just hold onto these and put them somewhere safe, i'm going to go help out my fellow Praetor."[/color] Madalyne said as she took out her sword and started to run forward, quickly making her way over towards the Fields of Mars. Madalyne paused as she stared at Polybotes who just managed to get free of the vines that Mary had wrapped around his feet. She started to go through her memory on how to actually beat a Giant and snapped her fingers, turning to look at the others. [color=7FFFD4]"Polybotes, he's the bane of Neptune or Poseidon. You need both a demigod and a god to defeat them. We need to lure him to Terminus in New Rome."[/color] Madalyne said luckily they had a god nearby, the baby dragon instantly took it's attention to Nancy and landed on her shoulder looking at her. There was a loud roar as a group of ten Cyclops suddenly came into the fray, two of them were carrying boulders and threw them, one nearly hitting Mary and the other knocking Jason down onto the ground. Kiera looked at Madalyne and nodded slightly as she as Polybotes then focused his attention on Kiera and sniffed the air and gave her an evil smile as he charged towards her. Kiera narrowly dodged him rolling out of the way. She got a bit of a crazy idea, she looked towards Leda for a moment he seemed to be focused on her right now which was a bad thing. [color=DeepSkyBlue]"Mind giving me a bit of a lift love?"[/color] Kiera asked, she was a hell of a lot faster than she was, Kiera dodged out of the way of a cyclops and managed to cut the monster at it's ankles causing it to fall down to the ground with a loud thud. [hr] Alannah could see the fighting was starting as she watched some of the siege weapons started to fire off their first volley, she turned to look at Niah as she asked about Arthur and Andy. The two hadnt been in camp for to long, and they had already faced some tragedy on the way over here. "They have only been in camp for about a week or so." Alannah said as she heard something, and noticed their Gryphon coming out of the crew deck and took off flying towards New Rome rather quickly to where Andy was. [hr] What happens when you suddenly turn into a dragon in a bit of a confined space, the sewers were large but there was a ceiling and it being rather narrow hitting his head and causing a bit of the ceiling to fall as well. Emily would nearly be pushed into the Labyrinth itself thanks to Demi, an unlucky legionnaire however ended up getting knocked into the Labyrinth itself. The madness was lessened for now thanks to both Emily and Waverly, how long it would last though no one really could truly know. Waverly would see a bit of a light coming from one of the corridors, and a few seconds later a woman came out looking over to see Waverly and the unlucky legionnaire there and tilted her head to the side slightly. "How did you get in here if I may ask?" The goddess Ariadne asked. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NP5pywzS451g4/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Pasadena, Texas Skills: Spear Fighting[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristin looked at Janelle and smiled towards her, the girl seemed to be well off still fighting, as she spat out a bit more of her blood onto the ground. She felt really dizzy as she lifted up her shirt, there was a lot of bruising and it looked really bad to as well, she turned to stare at the Cyclops that Zeke was fighting and ran forward using her spear she missed. She did it again, managing to stab the cyclops in the side. It roared out in pain and swung it's fist and missed both Zeke and Kristin, she pulled her spear out and managed to thrust it into it's heart which it immediately burst into dust. Kristin let out a slight sigh and then leaned herself up against the spear for support, she looked like she was going to pass out at any moment. [color=yellow]"Just give me a bit to catch my breath.."[/color] Kristin said between heavy breathes.