“You don’t have to do that-” Thebes advised, too late. “Lizard man! Well met.” Kjartan boomed. He was in front of Vreta in a flash, grabbing his hand to give it a vigorous shake. “Kjartan - valued member of Sacred Band.” The man flashed a smile full of filed metal teeth down at the Rothian; a tattoo of Mjolnir rippled on his neck when he moved. “Such sharp claws! We’ll be fearsome team.” “Alright, you two are Blue Team co-leaders.” Thebes smirking under his visor. “Knossos, Athena, you’re with them.” Athena opened her visor and spat on the floor. “Carthage and Saddam, you’ll lead the Red Team with me.” Thebes quickly counted the number of regular warriors that had now assembled around them. Thirty nine. “The rest of you - we need twenty people on the Red Team and nineteen on the Blue Team.” “Room for one more?” Someone called from the staging area while the marines sorted themselves into two groups. Thebes spotted Agent 595 clacking toward them across the empty space, holding an assault rifle. “Yes ma’am that works perfectly. You’ll be with me on the Red Team.” Thebes confirmed, before beginning to explain the game. “Ok listen up! Capture the flag - one for each team. Grab your opponent’s flag and return it to your base for a point. Shields will be uniform at 1.1 standard. You have three respawns, use them wisely. Any questions? No? Alright - good luck everyone.” “LETS GO!” Kjartan bellowed, lofting his hammer and jogging toward the Blue Team’s end.