Appearance: [img=] Name: 'Y' age: 17 What are you: weapon [img=!!!-d68b0.jpg&w=470&h=470&ei=9FQqU7XOG5D-rAHCjIGIAQ&zoom=1&ved=0CF4QhBwwBA&iact=rc&dur=1231&page=1&start=0&ndsp=21] Owner: no on so far Bio: Born in to a family who thought his green skin and multicolored eyes were impure, they left him in a forest were he was brought up by a monologist, he learned about the death academy but could never go, as they didn't have a way out of the forest, still Y would train him body, soul and mind for the day he could leave. eventually he decided to go out on his own were he escaped the forest and found the dwa, now he wishes to join, but with his little knowledge about modern civilization he has a hard time fitting in. Who do you act when madd: see demons his father would talk about, they proceed to tell him to do evil things which he barely stops himself from, but rips his skin off to take his mind to other places, also surrounds himself in circles of salt.