the question brought an almost silly confused face to the Master Mage’s face. The man had to work at hyper speed to try and figure out what the young woman was asking. The words were said and his ears received the sounds but the meaning was lost to him. A second passed then two as he tried how to best formulate first the meaning of the question and second how to formulate his response. Normally articulate and sure of what he said. He often meant what he said and said what he meant. There was no mistake in his communication with his fellow squad members and even between him and Evander. However, in this particular situation he was not sure if saying what he thought in his head was appropriate or it would be well received. The debate lasted another second or two. Finally, the voice of reason, having been silent for too long during his recent interactions with the lovely Eilis, managed to settle the dispute. He cleared his throat and began in as comfortable a tone trying to emphasize the veracity of the words he was speaking. [color=0054a6]“If I understand your question correctly you believe that the tattoos you sport have warped your features in such a way that you think you have become grotesque.”[/color] He placed a hand on her head and gently brushed back a few unruly strands that have fallen on her face. He studied what he been asked to evaluate. To his eyes, all he could see was a lovely skin and two jeweled eyes that looked up half glazed at him, the last remnants of Dark Sight seeming to disappear. [color=0054a6]“I would like to assure you most strongly that this is not the case.” [/color] He traced the lines of tattoos, two smaller ones framing a third thicker one. His finger gently followed the contours of the lines, his callused hand slowly traversing the soft skin. He started at the crown of her head just at the hair line and followed it down to the ridge of her nose and down one side to her check down to her jaw. He fought the urge to continue down journey down the neck. Instead, he moved his hand and traced upward from the sleeve looking tattoo up her forearm to her shoulder. To break the quickly becoming awkward silence when he remembered that she still could not see clearly he addressed her again. [color=0054a6]“If nothing else, Eilis. They are quite captivating. Please forgive me for saying this but where it not for their harmful origins and function, they would be suitable adornment for a lady such as you.” [/color] He smiled down at her as he cleared his throat further. [color=0054a6]“Even as they are, I have to admit that I find myself wanting to closely examine them.” [/color] He cleared his throat again a bit embarrassed at his forwardness but too much had transpired between them to pay attention to propriety. [color=0054a6]“When you have fully recovered your sight, I shall find you a proper reflective surface so that you can make your own conclusions. As it stands, all I see before me is a lovely lady.”[/color] He said in his most amicable and truthful tone. He added. [color=0054a6]“And that is the truth” [/color]