[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/D84wsDmh9oneB6oUpN70-Ls6I0IUvJLXygQzdM10Ot8/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/vY07/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQUU0Q0M1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/QXJpYQ/salikin.png[/img][/center] The last thing Patricia remembered was a sudden collision to the back of her head, and then darkness. Patricia woke with her face nestled into someone’s warm, comfy shoulder. She noted several things as she slowly came back to consciousness. One: she was drooling, two: her head hurt so bad it felt like her brain was being crushed by Superman, three: someone was saying her name, and four: the voice that was calling her name was not one that was good to hear. At that realization, she snapped her head up from Kat’s shoulder and stared, bleary-eyed, at the other girl. Her headache got even worse with the sunlight, making her squint, but she knew the girl sitting next to her as Malady. And they were [i]definitely[/i] not on the boat anymore. Something had gone very, very wrong. Patricia’s expression morphed into one of panic and bewilderment. [color=MediumOrchid]“Oh my God! Get away from me!”[/color] She tried to shove Kat away, only to find that she couldn’t. She glanced down. [color=MediumOrchid][i]Oh. That’s why.[/i][/color] A pair of isolene handcuffs bound the two girls together by the wrists. She glanced up again, her eyes filled this time not with panic but with confusion and suspicion. If they were handcuffed together, that could mean two things. The first was something that she didn’t quite want to think about. The second was that Malady was here against her will. She imagined that the second was more likely. Patricia’s heart still hammered in her chest, though- being handcuffed to a supervillain who could kill you with a touch was not her ideal scenario. She took a few additional seconds to look around their surroundings and was even further confused by what she saw. They were in a tiny metal cage of some sorts, on… an island? This place looked like it was torn straight from the Pirates of the Caribbean. She fixed Kat with a look of bewilderment and groaned. [color=MediumOrchid]“Where am I? What are [i]you[/i] doing here? Why are we... handcuffed together? We aren't on the boat!”[/color] Patti launched a furious volley of questions at Kat and tried to subtly scoot away from the other girl. Unfortunately, the length of their cuffs stopped her from doing so. While doing that, she used her only free hand to search her clothes for her stuff. Nada. Damnit. [color=MediumOrchid][i]Guess our plan worked. I did get kidnapped! Thanks, new guy... God, I am so dead.[/i][/color] [center][@Hitman][/center]