[hider=Astoria Ocenade] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/781911543130226718/809546431354241024/Ria.png[/img][/center] [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Name:[/color][/b] Astoria “Ria” Ocenade [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Age:[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Birthday:[/color][/b] June 9th [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Magic:[/color][/b] Water and Water-Make [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Magic Level:[/color][/b] A [hider=Spells] [hider=Support] [color=Aqua]- Water Bubble:[/color] The user creates bubbles of water with oxygen trapped inside that enable those who put their heads in the bubbles to breathe underwater. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make (structure)[/color]: This is mostly used as an unnamed spell. User is able to create structures out of water, the top layer of which is condensed to be solid enough to support weight. [color=Aqua]- Rejuvenating Waters:[/color] The user conjures a ball of water into their hand and offers it to the recipient. The person that drinks it will feel their magic restored like they rested, as well as minor injuries will be completely healed and they’ll feel generally well rested and relaxed; moderate to severe injuries are also healed to a degree, becoming less severe than previously, but it is not healed much. The amount of healing done by this spell is dependent on how much magic the caster directs into the water. This cannot be used on the caster. [color=Aqua]- Rainstorm:[/color] Unnamed magic, that allows the user to summon up rainstorms. The duration, size, and strength depend on a lot of factors, not the least of which are caster's magical capabilities and intent. It generally syphons - though if nature decides to keep the storm going, it can linger for longer naturally - from the user's magic and can allow for it to be shaped in size and power. Casters that aren't well versed in controlling the storm can only summon smaller ones that are barely useful for watering plants. The more practice that goes into it, the larger and more powerful the storm can be. [/hider] [hider=Defensive] [color=Aqua]- Water Lock[/color] The user creates a large sphere of water that can be used to attack their target while they are trapped inside it. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Decoy:[/color] User generates realistic looking facsimiles of a person/persons out of water. Decoy(s) cannot move or make sound, but can be generated in any pose. If physically interacted with, Decoy(s) will disperse into a puddle of water. [color=Aqua]- Undertow[/color] Water thickens the air and pulls at the target(s) making it more difficult for the target(s) to move and stay upright. This can even affect the ability to cast magic, and at the very least slows the target(s) down. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Barrier:[/color] Whereas Water Dome is for camouflage, this spell creates a barrier out of water that remains in place and carries an extreme current. The current is strong enough to prevent weak magical attacks from penetrating it, and makes it extremely difficult for things to cross the barrier. It is not impossible to break through, and it requires dedicated magical energy to maintain. If the caster falls unconscious or runs out of magical energy, the barrier will fall. Barrier can be made into many different forms, but generally seen as a wall or dome. [color=Aqua]- Obscuring Mist:[/color] Through concentrated focus on condensing the water molecules in the air, the caster creates a fog cover to obscure vision around them and their allies. Range grows with practice, use, and magical force applied and can vary from a 20 foot radius to a 50 foot radius. With effort, the caster can allow individuals the ability to see through the mist clearly, but it is extremely strenuous and exhausting to do so. Mostly used as a diversion to escape dangers. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Cage:[/color] User creates a cage out of water sized to trap the target(s). The bars are extremely high current water cycling around the structure, making it difficult to break out and can lead to injury if one tries to escape.[/hider] [hider=Offensive] [color=Aqua]- Neptune’s Dance:[/color] Two or more waves of water rotate around each other and form a helix that blast the opponent into the air with tremendous force. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make (weapon):[/color] User concentrates water into the form of a weapon. Water weapon can deal damage like a normal weapon of that type, but only for as long as user has hold of the weapon (in the case of bow/arrows, user must continue contact on the bow). If contact is lost, weapon disperses. [color=Aqua]- Geyser:[/color] User shoots boiling hot water from hands at target, which can hit to cause blunt damage and potentially scold the target. [color=Aqua]- Water Slicer:[/color] By swiping their arm, the user sends scythe-like blades of water at their intended target, which are powerful enough to cleanly slice through solid rock. It can also be used as a form of defense to intercept an attack. [color=Aqua]- Cyclone:[/color] The user forms a circular torrent of water in front of their hands and uses the cyclone of water to attack their target. The size and power of the cyclone is dependent on how much magical energy the user puts into the attack. Attack can knock the target off their feet, but is mostly aimed to do blunt damage. [color=Aqua]- Tsunami:[/color] The user curls in on themselves, drawing water from the area around them, or just simply creating it themselves. After a few seconds, they unfurl, raising their arms up high. A wall of water rises before them and moves forward in a massive wave of destruction, knocking over and washing away anything in its path. This spell consumes a lot of magical energy and has the potential to level small towns.[/hider][/hider] [b][color=DarkTurquoise]History:[/color][/b] Ria didn’t just grow up with a family, or in a village. The village was populated by a single clan - the Ocenades. Everyone had a role to play in the village - from farmers and bakers to guardsmen that took shifts patrolling to make sure the village was safe. Those of the clan not born with magic were relegated to menial tasks such as being the farmers or seamstresses or craftsmen or educators of the clan, but everyone had a purpose. Children went to school and learned, and they helped their families with tasks when schoolwork was complete. Her father was the head, the direct descendent of the original founding father of the clan generations ago. As such, it was expected his children would take over and lead when it was time. Born the older of two, it wasn’t a surprise that her brother was the one expected to fill this role. He was strong, smart, charismatic, and an ice mage like their father and mother - just like pretty much every other mage in the clan. Except her. Ria wasn’t just the female - and would have been passed over for leadership of the clan should her brother have been born second anyway - but she also couldn’t use Ice magic. While being gifted with water magic should have still been fine - she was still born a mage after all - her father was disappointed, and thus her mother was too. She was raised to be prim and proper - the best thing she could do for the clan was to learn all she could about being a good wife and mother after all - in hopes she would marry another strong line of the clan and bear powerful offspring. Regardless of what the task was, she never performed it right as far as her parents were concerned. No matter how skilled she was at her magic, she would never be as capable as one of the others. She tried and tried to do better, to be what they wanted her to be, and every time kept coming up short. Never good enough no matter how much better at her lessons or her trials than the other children she was. She struggled with a lot of issues as a child, and clung to validation wherever she found it. One of those places was an older boy. She was 12 and he was 15. He made her feel special, made her feel like she was actually worth something more than just someone to marry off. Moments she could steal away from her lessons were spent going out to their meeting spot and hoping to find him, letting him whisk her away to other towns and helping in tasks. Was it wrong to make keys to open doors when he said he had misplaced his? Yes, in hindsight she should have asked some questions. But he was nice and she was happy when around him. She had confidence in her magic when around him. So it went, helping with petty crimes while naively believing they weren’t just that (or, as her mind tells her in her dreams, refusing to admit it was wrong to just do as he asked.) The older they got, the more she wanted to believe these worse and worse things were okay. She let herself get swept up in the feeling of someone actually giving a crap about her. He encouraged her to grow stronger with her magic, practiced with her and gave her the motivation to improve. He trained with her to be able to fight - showing her all the things others in the clan might be learning to fight and defend themselves and others - helped make her a fierce combatant. She never realized in all his encouragement, her friend was shaping her into a weapon that he could wield with little effort. And wield her he did, with Ria willingly helping with worse and worse things; burglary stepped up to actual larceny which stepped up further to assault and worse. Until it all came to a head when she was 16. Unbenounced to her, her brother followed her on one of her rendezvous with her friend. When they realized she’d been followed and had been found out, she followed her brother as he went back to the village. She needed to explain, to try to make things right at least with him, but by the time she got there she saw him already talking to their father. It was when her friend suggested it was time to completely cut ties. She’d never gone so far as to what he suggested next - to completely rid herself of the judgement once and for all. Torn, conflicted, confronted...She didn’t realize what she was about to do until she saw the aftermath. The village destroyed, bodies - including that of her father, her brother, and her only friend - scattered among the debris as she had unleashed a tsunami upon the village that leveled it as far as she could see. Ria had lost - no, destroyed - everything, everyone, she ever cared about, and that ever cared about her. She was aimless for a while, until she was found by an elderly woman. The woman took her in; kind, gentle, the woman didn’t question what had happened to leave the girl so destitute. All the woman seemed to care about was helping her out. And she wanted to do the same in return. She helped with chores, ran errands, and learned to garden with the woman. The woman was getting on in years, and appreciated the help - especially when it came to gardening. Ria’s water magic was a great help, and cut the labor in half from what it used to take her. The two lived in mutual happiness. A few months ago, her elderly friend passed. Ria hasn’t figured out what to do with herself yet. Minerva had left her home to the girl she took in, her entire estate left to the girl she’d only known for a few short years. For now, Ria continues the routine - gardening, tending to the house, talking to Minerva’s urn about things she’d read or learned or heard in the local market just as she would before. She isn’t sure what else to do, but she’s sure she’ll figure out eventually. For now, selling the produce at market like she had started once Minerva couldn’t make the trips, and just keeping up the house seems best. [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Personality: [/color][/b]The first thing most people notice about her is that Ria tries to always be courteous and cheerful, loving to be around people almost as much as she likes wide open spaces and anything shiny or brightly colored. A fan of anything upbeat, she can often be seen dancing or heard singing to herself as she goes about her business, and generally moves with a skip in her step. She’s generally reliable, cares about the wellbeing of others regardless of whether she knows them or not, and is willing to do anything for her friends. She doesn't like to see people upset and will often go out of her way to try to cheer someone up. She often seems like a bit of a ditz - forgetful, aloof, and perhaps even a bit naive. There are still simple things that are common sense to others she often overlooks - like privacy and personal space; some see it as her ditzy ways, but it’s more the childish naivety of not understanding other people may have different comfort levels than her, and her desperate desire to be around others. While not everyone gains automatic trust, Ria seeks to find the good in people and will often trust those that are shown kindness/trust from those she is friends with. She tends to give chances to people that many don’t believe should get chances, and has been led astray by kind words and gestures even if they are given with ill-intent. [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Guild and guild mark location:[/color][/b] NA currently [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Team Members:[/color][/b] -- [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Strengths:[/color][/b] [u][color=aqua]Hydromancer:[/color][/u] Her water magic allows her to manipulate water around her as well as magically generate water. That is not the sum of it though. There are a few water spells that come naturally to her, casted like flexing a muscle. Spells of note for this are mostly just self-impacting ones, that help her swim deeper and stay under for extended periods of time. Water responds a bit more fluidly to her than other water casters, and with a bit of studying of the mage’s spells she can eventually manipulate water cast by others too; she hasn’t had the opportunity to see if she can manipulate Celestial’s or Dragon’s water magic, but she’s interested to see if that’s the case too. [u][color=aqua]Friendly:[/color][/u] Ria loves to make friends, and just generally be around others. Whether it’s seeing someone looking down and wanting to cheer them up, or just giving them a person to be with, she doesn’t like seeing others alone. She likes to do things for others, and generally enjoys participating in whatever activity friends or those she chooses to associate with at the moment are doing. [u][color=aqua]Supportive/Helpful:[/color][/u] She likes to help others, whether it be with supporting them in difficult decisions or sticking to getting better with spells. Despite her ditzy/aloof appearance, she understands a lot about the core concept of how different types of magic work, and techniques to make a particular type of magic work better. She’s not as effective at teaching, say, a wook-maker mage at casting as another wood-maker mage might, but she certainly knows enough to help the other wizard improve. She also just generally likes helping out and working with others, whether it’s just dealing with day to day things or a job or whatever. She feels it’s everyone’s job as part of the guild to help one another out, and it’s just being a good citizen to help when help is needed. [u][color=aqua]Upbeat/Positive/Cheerful:[/color][/u] Believe it or not, like it or not, Ria is a metaphorical ray of sunshine. It isn’t just being friendly. She rarely is seen without a smile on her face or a bounce in her step. She always tries to look on the bright side of things even in the most dire of circumstances. This energy she does try to share with others, and is ever willing to help with figuring out what’s good about a bad experience. [u][color=aqua]Skilled Combatant:[/color][/u] Trained for many years to fight alongside her family, Ria is just as skilled in hand to hand as she is with weapons and magic. She can improvise weapons based on her environment, use the terrain to her advantage, and is quite skilled in using her lithe and agile figure to her advantage. This skill allows her to strike fast, in vulnerable locations, and use her opponent’s attacks and mass against them in her own attacks, dodges, and counterattacks. As a molding mage, she’s developed upon this further to create a fighting style mostly unique to her and her creative style of magic. [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [u][color=aqua]Ditzy/Trouble Focusing:[/color][/u] She appears to be an airhead. She generally has a lot of things going on in her head, that she can be a bit forgetful. She means well, and definitely doesn’t want to forget important things, but some things just slip through the cracks. Not just dates and times of important things, but maybe not paying attention to her surroundings (not necessarily to trip, but not notice someone flirting, or being uncomfortable because she got too close, etc). She usually apologizes, but it doesn’t keep it from happening again. So she leaves notes to herself, and - while there is an organizational system for everything she writes down - it kinda looks just as chaotic as her thoughts. While she does know a lot about a lot of topics given how much she reads, it’s not always reliable for her to relay the information she has stored in her head. Most of the time it just seems like she’s full of useless or unrelated information when she offers up things that come to mind during a particular topic she didn’t realize people had moved on from - or connected in her own head without when it apparently didn’t seem to connect to anyone else. When she’s on a roll with a topic that she’s interested in, if no one keeps the conversation focused, there’s a chance she’ll lead whomever she’s talking to on several different tangents before getting back on topic. Then there’s times where it seems like she can’t pull a thought from her head, despite having talked about something with a person already. [u][color=aqua]Insomnia/Nightmares:[/color][/u] She doesn’t like to talk about it, to the point of refusal if someone won’t allow her to just brush off the concern, but she has trouble sleeping. She’s always had trouble sleeping ever since she was little, and while it got worse since she destroyed her home, Ria avoids dealing with it given when she does manage to sleep it is generally plagued with nightmares from her past. [u][color=aqua]Repress the Bad:[/color][/u] Negative emotions and misbehaving wasn’t acceptable from her; she had to be the good child, the quiet one, the one that no one had to think about twice. Good wasn’t because people were looking at her, good was because the focus was somewhere else and there wasn’t time to deal with a child being a child. So she suppressed sadness. She made herself believe that she was happy. She won’t let herself dwell on the negative and buries anything that makes her feel anything but happy beneath layers of telling herself it’s fine. It’s second nature to her at this point, to shrug off a wrong done against her with a smile and a carefree “don’t worry about it”; what’s one more thing buried deep down? Because of this, she doesn’t allow herself to cope with her own negative feelings. Whenever something starts to creep up, feeling angry or sad, she shoves those feelings down into the “doesn’t bother me” zone. There, all the bad feelings go to - well most would hope - die, but really they just fester. Sure, one day they may break through the carefully crafted cage, but for now - it’s holding strong so no need to try to process the bad. [u][color=aqua]Workaholic:[/color][/u] Perhaps workaholic isn’t the proper term, but Ria doesn’t like to sit idle. She constantly pushes herself to stay busy, whether it’s helping a neighbor or friend, gardening, drawing, reading, cleaning...she tries to always be doing [i]something[/i]. [u][color=aqua]Selfless/Low Self-Worth:[/color][/u] While some would find being Selfless a strength, she understands it’s not. She puts others before herself, and sometimes (okay, most times) neglects her own wellbeing while being concerned over how someone else is doing. Whether it’s making sure everyone else has eaten before she finally serves herself, or helping someone even if she really should probably sit and rest, or pushing herself beyond her limits to stop someone else from getting hurt. Some of this reckless behavior could be mitigated from others noticing what she’s doing and convincing her to think of herself first, but it’s been a long time since anyone’s noticed. But if she smiles, it means she’s fine, right? [u][color=aqua]The Yips:[/color][/u] For as skilled as she is, all her other weaknesses tend to creep up on her and as the stress builds up, she starts to lose touch with her ability to function in combat. This is most common when she is fighting in front of a group, particularly if she knows that the fight isn’t a matter of life or death - that there are no stakes aside from winning and losing. Even if it’s a matter of life and death, there’s still a chance she’ll freeze up and not be able to perform. [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Appearance:[/color][/b] 5’3 She prefers skirts and dresses to pants; in fact, she only has two pairs of pants and two pairs of shorts in her entire wardrobe. Everything else is skirts, dresses, and nice blouses/tops to go with them. She generally avoids dark colors, but not to the point of exclusion. [b][color=DarkTurquoise]Additional Details:[/color][/b] She collects shiny stones, and enjoys gardening. Her favorite food is strawberries. She likes to paint and draw, and enjoys reading even if it’s not to avoid dealing with her insomnia. She's originally from Iceberg.[/hider]