Hello there, I decided to do something more open forum. I will post down a few of my characters only basic info and plot line for them. Choose the one you want and PM me with ideas for what you would like. [hider=Bortia Peterson] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/aa/98/ff/aa98ff555b82a38108f6e6851ca80865--arte-fantasy-fantasy-rpg.jpg[/img] Crime/Fantasy/Modern : Bortia Peterson is a crime fighting expert, and why is that? She has abilities that even the supernatural fear. She is paired with a brash young rookie that wants to make a name for himself? Fiurst he's gotta get her approval. [/hider] [hider= Miss Lotsa Valthio] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/urbanfantasy/images/0/04/Inmemorieswefear.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131027051604[/img] Modern Day/Fantasy/Action/Cult : Lotsa is a cop that deals with the supernatural accult, She ends up dealing with a little more then she can chew. Will the cult leader find her persistence and rejection of him amusing or try and kill her off? [/hider] [hider= Cynthia Colt] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/urbanfantasy/images/9/93/Scarlett_Bernard.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150203044003[/img] Modern Day/Fantasy /Slice of Life: The new girl just arrived to your school. You're the top dog, the girls swoon over you, and yet this new girl is nothing like that. She rejects you at every turn only to piss you off more. desperate to make her look like a fool you stalk her and film her. But what you catch on tape is something you never thought possible....She...She.....OMG! [/hider] [hider=Lora Bangle] [img]https://myheartexplodes.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/dan_dos_santos_mt8_night_broken.jpg[/img] Modern Day/Country/Thriller : Your a hired hand to the daughter of a ranch owner. Her name is Lora Bangle, she is a strange woman, she isn't too country-like, she wield a spear and often leaves at night to go to the woods with said spear. But what you find if you snoop too much is the family you are helping....they are much more than they seem. Maybe just Lora but don't cross paths in the woods at night. [/hider] MORE COMING LATER