Yay! I have internet again! ~o~0~o~ [quote=mattmanganon] I was actually thinking of doing something along those lines. Introducing a Galactic event similar to The Galactic Layline from Outlaw Star. A race so old that they pre-date this galaxy, created a data-bank full of knowledge, and an A.I. powerful enough to grant wishes to people by re-writing the fabric of the galaxy. Every planet capable of supporting life has a large temple built by this race that tells them the coordinates of this databank, the problem is that, it's also surrounded by ancient defense systems, the rules say that "Only those with purest intentions may have their wishes granted. So, most governments are either after a fuckton of power, or protecting anyone else from using it. And naturally... There are pirates and rogues who want to wish for a mountain of cash larger than the north face of The EigerSound good? [/quote] I like to imagine that Kerbals can get through these defenses without a problem. I mean, their intentions are literally just to find celestial bodies and land on them. Like, their "government" technically is only after that objective, as is virtually every Kerbal alive. And if they ever actually bothered trying to do something other than landing on planets, (like, say, getting to this databank) they'd utilize their wish so that they'd be capable of landing on stars. Although if they ever ran across the databank, they'd start throwing rockets at it eventually. But it'd probably be a while. And there'd be all these other beings trying to stop them from getting to it. Hmm. If there's enough pressure to prevent them from getting to it, I could see them caring about it more and more. The "forbidden fruit" effect. Oh, you poor, idiotic space-lemmings.