Dungeon Diving ho!~ [@Crusader Lord][@Crimson Paladin][@Click This] [hr] “Ahaha, do I?~” Lazhira replied, smiling in a somewhat too innocent manner. “Well, Uhm...I’ve been in and out of the forest since I could walk, hehe. Not that I had anything else to do. I was one of the only kids in the village for the longest time, and since none of the grown ups wanted to play...I just sort of...learned how, I guess.” A flimsy, but not implausible sounding series of events. “I always got in trouble with Enli and the hunters after, though, heheh. Especially if I told them I was poking around this place.” She at least didn't seem to think she did anything wrong there as she glanced back towards the statue, the others doing a bit of investigating of their own as she answered. “Its a depiction of the God of Knowledge. He’s called the ‘Faceless God’. They say he doesn’t have one - or that the light that comes from his crown blinds any that attempt looking at it.” Walking over to one of the murals, she placed a hand on one of the carvings, lightly running a hand over the visage of the old man. “I could be wrong, but I think its a depiction of him giving knowledge to the people here.” She continued. “Since his real appearance tends to cause problems, he likes walking around as an old man with a cane, or a dirty old hag whose face is always wearing a grin. No one knows what he really looks like, though.” She frowned slightly, glancing to the side. “...according to some things I’ve read in Enli’s records though, he’s prone to being unpredictable and uhm, somewhat...difficult. He likes to tempt mortals with knowledge and seeing what and how they’ll use it or what lengths they’ll go to learn it.” She turned back to the group. “...he also has the right to take it away from people, too. Apparently that’s why the people in Dawn forgot how to make paper, the ability to make this temple, and well, a lot of things since he left.” She walked over to the statue and the socket in the wall, frowning. “I dunno about anything else though. I’m pretty sure this place is bigger, but I’ve not been able to find anything else. There’s probably some hidden or blocked passage though. There’s also faint traces of magic on the idol, but I’m not sure what it’d be for...” Leannah would pick over the scattered remnants of the temple's previous occupants. There was little in the way of anything useful left behind. A few tattered robes. Some pottery. The books, ancient and faded with most of their words likely unintelligible...though one, seemed to stand out in particular. Simply marked with the same symbol Lazhira had on her arm. A quick check would allow Leannah to see it seemed to mostly be pictures depicting various things. A robed man with a cane. The stormy ocean and a fishing boat upon it. A woman wearing a tattered cloak...holding a white-eyed child and dropping it into the ocean. That wasn’t the most helpful thing in existence, but at least it seemed oddly more well preserved than everything else. Perhaps she might find something else if she took time to look over the books. Narkissa too, would also find something useful among the tomes. A book, written in similarly unintelligible words, yet the most intriguing things were the diagrams within. Perhaps they wouldn’t make any sense to anyone without her knowledge or background, but she could easily tell what she was looking at. Ship building. Not small canoes or fishing vessels. Tried and true wooden vessels, albeit roughly and crudely drawn. [hider=Goddess Note: Leannah] Items received: Golden feather: A feather of unknown origin. Its warm to the touch, and gazing upon it fills you with confidence and a certainty of purpose to accomplish your goals. Old picture book: You’re not quite sure what it depicts, aside from various scenes involving what appears to be the God of knowledge and some others. A collection of tales involving him, perhaps? Maybe you should take some time to read it, or ask someone about it. [/hider] [hider=Goddess Note: Narkissa] Item Received: Ship building manual: While its words are foriegn to you, the diagrams within, though crude, at least make some sense. Perhaps not immediately useful, but it may be prudent to hang onto this...translating it at some point may give you some insight. [/hider] “Feel free to take anything you want. I don’t think anyone would miss anything. I’d rather you guys take it and have it be used for something instead of rotting away here... ” Well, if that was any permission the group needed, there it was. Lazhira walked back over to the group, glancing over to Leannah. “...Oh, Leannah. Your arm.” Lazhira would walk over to the cat girl. Leannah might not have noticed right away, but that bird had done quite a number on her arm. The gashes its claws made weren’t deep, but by no means were they trivial either. “Hold on, I got some bandages somewhere…” If Leannah wanted, Lazhira would bandage up the cat girls arm, at least so she wasn’t bleeding any more. They were also seemingly soaked in some sort of herb that smelled oddly like pine needles, and helped ease pain, though only a small amount. [hr] A totally not suspicious little fox [@VitaVitaAR][@PKMNB0Y] [hr] The tent was lively, but hardly impressive for Nobunaga. She had seen marketplaces before, and while she did not originate from the modern world this was still more understated then she was used to. Still, she could certainly understand why the locals were enthralled with the wares on display here… and identify which ones were actually worth the prices they were being sold for. At first glance that was only the preserved foods. The black-haired girl regarded the fox-tailed woman at the stall for a moment. This confirmed what she expected quite handily. Such people were an ordinary part of this world, and thus there was no reason for anyone to expect anything was amiss with Misaki. Excellent. “My sword? I’m afraid not,” she began, “I’m quite attached to it, for the time being.” It was her only weapon, after all, but no-one else needed to know that. A slow glance around the tent to gauge what she could about everything brought only mild disappointment to Misaki, who simply furrowed her brow as she glanced over the goods lying about. Though she was no geologist, something at the back of her mind—likely the ‘gift’ that the Goddess had seen fit to give her—made clear that the ore that had been talked up was not particularly high quality. The fact that there was so much buzz over it spoke to two possibilities; either the villagers were starved for metals, or the shopkeeper was lying through their teeth. It was possible that both held true, but at least to the foxgirl it was better to hope for one or the other instead. The textiles fared comparatively better in comparison, both in terms of popularity and efficiency, but the deep frown on Misaki’s face as she stared at the goods on the ‘higher’ end of the price spectrum betrayed her own opinions on the matter. The goods were shoddy compared to what she knew would have likely been the norm for the rich during any era prior to the Heian-era boom in silk, which in other words… “A swindler…” she said to herself quietly in Japanese as the owner-apparent turned their way. Her initial reaction was not lost upon the foxgirl as she watched ‘Lady Mie’ approach the two of them, but Misaki decided against pressing further for the moment. “Ah, no room for negotiation at all? How sad.” Mie replied with a small sigh. “I'd love to add it to my collection, but if you are certain...that aside.” Her eyes glanced between the two. “Its rare I run into those from my homeland on my travels. Care to join me for a private chat? I'd love to hear more of, well, what brings you two all the way out here to this middle of nowhere village.” Her tail swished as she waited somewhat impatiently for an answer from the pair. Nobunaga considered the offer for a moment. While she did not know about this land in detail, the fact that it had such similarity to her homeland… that was promising. On top of that, this was an opportunity to learn more. On the other hand, it was quite clear that the fox was a swindler, just as Misaki had surmised. Still, it was an opportunity that could not be ignored. “Now that is an offer that I can entertain. I would quite enjoy a chat.” “Ahaha, excellent.” Mie's tail swished as she turned. “I'll bring out some drinks.” She'd lead the pair out the back of the tend, where a small storage area seemed to have been set up. A few Oni workers greeted their employer with a bow and nod of their head as she passed as they went about their tasks. On one opposite end, seemed to be several animals. Large...looking chickens? With bright red feathers were corralled into a small area. Nearby were large, furry creatures reminiscent of a weasel. Silver colored fur adorned their bodies, thick to help protect from the cold and snow. Several of them were lazily lounging in the snow while a few workers fed and groomed their fur. Another was being loaded up with what seemed to be supplies. Animals of burden of some sort, from the look of them. Their destination though, was a small tent set up on the opposite end of the small field. Mie led the two through, holding the tent flaps up so her guests could enter unimpeded. Within, the room smelled faintly of exotic incense, foreign to both Misaki and Nobunaga. A mat had been set up in the center of the room, and a table atop. Pillows had been stationed around it, for obvious seating arrangements. The rest of the tent was fairly plain, save for a cot near the back, and several chests and storage trunks likely for Mie's own belongings and for locking up more expensive things. “Come on, take a seat. I only bite people who annoy me.” She grinned. “Its rare people from Chagawa leave, and even rarer to meet them on my travels.” The fox walked over to a chest, upon which sat a flask of liquid and several bowls and cups. She took a bowl herself, and set a few more along with cups on the table. She poured herself some, followed by a glass for both Nobunaga and Misaki. “Don't worry, it’s not poisoned or anything, fufu~” She sat, languidly bringing the bowl to her lips. “Haaa...now then...who are you two? You obviously know me, but I've yet to hear your two's names.” Misaki quietly nodded her head in response to the shopkeeper's offer, following after Nobunaga as the three of them left the shopfront. It would have been the height of folly to deny Mie's offer, even if her apparent business acumen led her to sell subpar goods to people. Granted, the villagers here might not have had the goods to be able to barter for anything higher in the first place, but misrepresentation of the truth was one step too far. The scattered animals behind the tent did catch Misaki's eye, however momentarily; all of them seemed to be at least somewhat closer to things she had known on Earth than the monsters that her other companions had felled the day before, and given how all of them had tried to kill her before, it was nice to see animals now that weren't trying to rip her head off. The tent that was their destination was oddly cozy, but the white-haired foxgirl was not a fan of the smell of the incense. It was bearable, yes, but it was not necessarily something she would want to smell outside of a visit to a temple or something of the like. Regardless of what she thought, though, this was still a negotiation, and so Misaki refrained from commenting on the matter and simply sat down upon one of the pillows, seiza-style. A slow glance at the drink that the shopkeeper had poured for the two of them was soon followed by a furtive sniff, confirming the presence of alcohol within. Taking a small obligatory sip of what had to have been some variant of unrefined sake, Misaki slowly placed the cup back down in front of her before nodding. "Introductions, then... My name is Takeshima... Ma—No, Misaki. Takeshima Misaki," she said, mentally reprimanding herself for almost using her old surname. It would take a little bit for that habit to go away, but it probably would in due time. It is a pleasure to meet you." Similarly to Misaki, Nobunaga picked a pillow and sat down in seiza as well. She had noted the animals prior, rather curiously. They were more familiar than the creature that attacked the hunters before, but still retained notable differences to any creature that she was familiar with. The unrefined sake certainly wasn’t an unpleasant offering, and the small black-haired girl took a sip herself before she next spoke. “My name is Oda Kipposhi,” she introduced herself, avoiding the usage of her full, adult name. While it would have no significance to the fox, the same could not be said for those she may speak to. “I am pleased to meet you.” “Misaki Takeshima...” The fox let out a breath, before turning her playful gaze towards Kipposhi. “And Oda Kipposhi. Hmhm, I see I see...well, welcome to my humble little establishment, fufu. I'd offer more, but I wasn't expecting to entertain guests until this evening so you'll have to forgive me for that, and I don't have the resources to ah, splurge a bit on the tail end of my trip.” Mie took another sip of her drink. “So...how long have you two been traveling? Any recent happenings in Chagawa I should be aware of before I return? Heizo still having trouble with the Oni clans?” The question seemed more intended towards Kipposhi. “My, how long have we been travelling? At times it can become difficult to keep track,” Nobunaga replied, without too much delay, a hint of humor in her voice as if she was admonishing herself for her lack of organization. She was going to have to improvise, now, “Takeshima-san is a scholar, you see, so we’ve been quite focused on learning what we can while we’re here.” Establishing her fellow foreigner to this world as a scholar may have been risky… but at the same time, it was an excellent excuse for them to be abroad. At least, so the small black-haired girl hoped. “We intend to return soon, so I suppose we shall see the results of Heizo’s struggles first hand in relatively short order.” “Well, I can’t say I don’t understand. When I first started I had no idea what I was doing, but well, keeping track of days and time helps greatly when you’re in my position.” Mie replied with a friendly chuckle, gaze shifting to Misaki. “A scholar, you say? Admirable...though I can't imagine those at the Shrine were too happy about you leaving, caught up in their prayers and offerings as they are.” The black eared fox smirked. “Though I can't say I don't understand. How are things on Mt. Kozue by the way? I've not been back in...well, never. The Nori tree isn't doing any better, is it?” The white-haired foxgirl let out a nervous chuckle as she subconsciously rubbed the back of her neck, unsure of how exactly to respond to Mie’s prompt. Being placed in the role of ‘scholar’ by Nobunaga, while not necessarily incorrect, also prompted a bit of requisite knowledge onto her shoulders. Knowledge, of course, that she did not [i]have[/i]. Even so, Misaki had to come up with some manner of response to keep the charade up, but that was easier said than done. In her mind, the best way to go about this matter was to try and disassociate herself with the group in question, but lying was most definitely not one of her strong suits—especially so in this situation. “Ah… Well, that makes two of us, then,” she responded, smiling weakly in response. “I was always burying my head in my studies, so keeping track of those sorts of things was a bit… Well, unlikely, I suppose?” Beyond that, Misaki found herself unable to figure out what to say, if anything. Taking a closer look at the shopkeeper’s wares could provide a bit more information on their craftsmanship, but regardless of how far they properly deviated from what was widely available in Chagawa, it could be seen as a bit rude to try and directly criticize them in the first place… “...is that so.” Mie narrowed her eyes at Misaki. “Curious. The Nori tree is a sacred tree. Everyone in Chagawa knows of it, and the Kitsune are its caretakers...” Her mouth curled into a smirk. “...well, I suppose there's always one or two misfits. Not like an exile from the Shrine like me has any room to talk, heh.” Mie took another sip, letting out a long, languid sigh. It was difficult to tell if she entirely bought the lie, but at least it didn't seem like she was going to press the issue if she did. “If you are traveling back to Chagawa, I would be more than happy to have you accompany me. We lost a few good men on this expedition, got caught in some Elder Beasts path to the northeast. I could pay you for your time, too.” She smirked playfully. “It will be dangerous, but ah...I have a good eye for people.” Her gaze turned back to Nobunaga. “I think you could handle yourself.” “Forgive my companion, her dislike of talking about her obligations should be quite obvious,” Nobunaga commented, before considering the offer that had been made. On one hand, pay sounded quite excellent in a situation like this. Additionally, the opportunity to learn about this mirror of her own homeland was a rare one. However… Her desire was to gain and exert influence. Going back on the offer she had made to the head of this village would do quite the opposite. “I would gladly accept your offer… however, I must know how long you plan to remain here before I do,” the petite black-haired girl said after a few moments of thought, “You see, I have volunteered my services to the townsfolk, in hope of mending a contract that the had made that has since seemingly been broken. I pride myself in my skills at negotiation, and thus I cannot pass up this opportunity.” She brushed her silken black hair back. “Provided you remain in this town until my obligations have been fulfilled, I would be happy to offer you my services as well.” “I see.” The fox took a moment to silently sip her drink, obviously weighing her options. “I can respect that. Going back on ones word is the height of folly, especially for a merchant.” That probably didn't sound convincing, from what Nobbu and Misaki knew of her goods. “...but we've also been away from home for quite awhile. My people, are understandably looking forward to returning sooner rather than later...and considering we're not going to turn a profit at this village any longer, I could honestly care less about what happens to it.” Mie held a hand to her chin. “I was only planning on staying a day or so...but very well.” Mie nodded. “Five days. I can wait five days before I need to return. If you solve whatever it is you agreed too, you're more than welcome to join me.” Five days? That was fine. Negotiating with a fantastical beast in under five days? She had accomplished plenty of extraordinary things before. She could not in good conscience bear the name Oda Nobunaga if she could not accomplish diplomatic endeavors as well as military. “In that case, unless Takeshima-san has any objections, I believe this matter is settled,” Nobunaga replied, clapping her hands together with a smile. "Wonderful then. I'll look forward to it." Mie replied with a nod, the conversation coming to a close as Akando, the lead hunter lifted one of the tent flaps. "Ah...yes, that matter." Mie frowned slightly. "Sorry to cut this short, but I've got another thing to take care of. Now if you'll excuse me. Talk to one of my retainers if you need anything." Mie would show the two out of her tent, a guard curiously taking position at the front of the tent to ward off any eavesdroppers or anyone that might intrude while she was busy. Now then, that left them mostly to roam free now. Perhaps they should attempt to seek out this Kyrnith, now? How would they even begin to search for it. [hr] The Roma Mob [@ERode][@Pyromania99] [hr] They were quite high up now. Back to the north, the way they came...they could see the shoreline stretching far. The forest they had been so close to previously, seemingly stretched for miles, massive tracts of likely untamed wilderness. Far, far in the distance to the east a plain stretched into the horizon. Perhaps, adventures for another time and later. Leuca barely caught the cloak isidore tossed towards her, stumbling slightly as she yawned. She didn’t complain, quickly wrapping it and the hood around her. Octavia simply barked in response to Augusta’s question, happily wagging her tail and sitting near Leuca, though the Elf didn’t seem to acknowledge the pup itself. “...mhm. I’m not too sure...” Leuca would finally reply to Isidore’s question. “Sorcha mentioned something about other entrances the Shadow Elves use for access so they don’t have to bother with the dwarves.” The small elf paused for a moment, frowning. “I-I think she said to look for Mushrooms from the Hollow near the entrance. Something about...them glowing? The shadow elves usually only travel at night, though...so it might be hard to find something during the day...without a guide...if Sorcha was here she would know, but...” She glanced to the sky, then back towards Isidore and Augusta, then frowned and pulled her cloak tighter, taking a few steps away from Octavia...who simply sat up and walked back over. “O-oh! Uhm...I-I forgot but, Sorcha and my uncle mentioned an Elder Beast that lives on this mountain. It doesn’t usually show itself on the surface, but...its been known to from time to time. They say it makes the whole mountain tremble...” The conversation was interrupted by the deep call of a horn echoing across the mountains. At least they definitely knew they had in fact, heard one last night during the storm - but that left the question of who was calling. It repeated the same call, several times. A single long note, followed by two short ones. It repeated this style before falling silent, likely expecting a reply of some sort, yet none seemed to come. Whenever the party decided to start moving again, the safest path seemed to be deeper into the mountains. They had yet to crest a peak, or see the world that lay south beyond. Perhaps they would never. A cavern was likely easy enough to find now that they didn’t have to worry about dying from hypothermia. Eventually their path would take them around a small hill, their feet leaving deep footprints in the snow as they walked. Not having a clear path caused the groups travel to be slowed a good deal, and Leuca’s small legs weren’t doing so well carrying her through the deep drifts, but Octavia made sure to keep near to prevent her from there being too much of an accident. Soon however, after some minutes of traveling they’d see smoke rising in the distance. If any went to go check, they’d find a small camp of around twenty humans all set up at the foot of a large outcropping that blocked most of the wind from the previous night from their camp. Several wooden fortifications had been made. Large bonfire seemed to have been constructed in the center of the camp, where the black smoke was coming from. A tattered, white and black flag depicting a serpent swallowing a star waved lightly in the wind. “...apostles…!” Leuca hid behind Isidore. No one in the camp seemed to have seen them yet, thankfully...but perhaps this could also be an opportunity? They were free to turn around and do something else entirely, too of course. [hr] Wayward builder [@Guy0fV4lor][@PaulHaynek] [hr] “Apologies, I’ve work to do for Lady Mie.” Haruno bowed slightly. "I was merely wondering about that black-haired girl...something about her is...mhm, n-nevermind. That's nothing I should bother you with. If you'll excuse me then..." A respectful farewell later, Haruno turned and left, heading back towards the docks she had been at earlier and seemingly quickly getting lost in discussion with some nearby fishermen. Nick and Donovan would then head up towards the longhouse where the villages supposed Chief was. It was easy enough, and aside from a single hunter standing guard, nothing hindered his progress. A brief hello and a statement of why they were there, and a friendly waving in from Enli from within, he was let in. Warmth from within chased away the cold from outdoors, coming from the large fire pit in the middle of the room. Hunting trophies donned the walls, with tables and chairs sitting against them. Perhaps they were used to holding festivals, or gatherings here at times. Bookshelves and scrolls donned the back wall of the room. "More travelers? The Goddess is certainly planning something isn't she?" He would muse as he glanced over Nick. "...and one so young and inexperienced seeming. I welcome you to Dawn. What can I do for you two? We don't have much, and with the forest getting more and more dangerous these days I can offer little in the way of hospitality." The older man lacked any particularly notable features, save for his red robe. As far as Donovan could tell, too, despite wearing the same symbol upon his robe as that girls tattoo, he was utterly mundane. [hr] Send Feet Pics [@Cu Chulainn] [hr] “Heh, honeyed words as always.” The huntress mused, following after Malphas. “Indeed, it's always good to use gifts given to you. Waste is how one goes hungry, after all.” The woman, Soyala at least, seemed open to following his lead, spear ready to strike again should any creature decide to bar their path. “If you desire, I could train you. I may be better with a spear, but I can show you the basics once we’re done here.” There was a definite difference between this huntress and the others. Some sort of instinctual understanding that his words [i]were[/i] working. His ability at least, seemed to be working on this woman. “No, not really.” She continued answering Malphas’ question. “It is a relic of the past, and a...distraction, if you will. Nothing more than a trap laid by the one who built it.” She smirked, laughing lightly. “And I prefer keeping my eyes on the future. Like making sure you get your legs in this land.” Thankfully, it didn’t take the two much longer to reach a small hill overlooking the temple. The area, dimmed by the thick trees overhead, cast a gloomy shadow. He could see a few animals and figures moving within the fog below, too. Soyala knelt closer to the ground, checking the soil and ground. “...seems there’s people already inside. Probably that reject and some of the other travelers...” She hummed. “I’d suggest finding another entrance, Malphas. Best not to ah, get involved with that failure.” She smirked, standing again, playfully winking at Malphas. “Of course, I already know where it is...but where would be the fun in telling you? Should probably find those herbs for the merchant, too. She’s not someone you want to cross...or have her ‘debt collectors’ after you.” She pulled something from one of her pockets. A round, smooth stone, similar to the one the hag had given him last night. The same exact engraving, too. “Don’t worry about the fog as long as you carry the Illuminators protection with you. The fog is terrified of those bearing light from the divine.” Now he just had to go and inspect the temple...granted he wanted to go along with what Soyala was saying. She seemed to have some connection to the hag from the previous evening, and it seemed the Hag wanted him to travel into this temple for some reason. He could always turn around and leave. It seemed like Soyala might just follow him regardless so long as he provided an entertaining reason. “Might be best to use that bow to pick off a few of those animals before you go in.” She slipped the small stone back into her pocket, waiting to see what Malphas would do from here.