[hider=Jayson Bradford] Hey kid, what’s your name? [color=SlateBlue]"Jayson 'Jay' Bradford"[/color] Huh, interesting...you look more like a... [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6307/1f04d30b712002b54bad67cc6e889c88f07dae0b_hq.jpg[/img] Depth perception is kind of a problem for me. Why don’t you save me the trouble and tell me how you look? [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/9b/85/5b9b857440ff126448d4b98f93dea674.jpg[/img] How old are you anyway? [color=SlateBlue]"16."[/color] Why don’t you lay your past on me? What are you even doing here? [color=SlateBlue]"My dad is a lumber tycoon. I'm super-popular, and athletic. I'm the poster boy for poster boys. We moved here two months ago. Oh, and also my secret. My dad was unemployed, living in a trailer. I was nerdy and unathletic. Then I found a kooky knickknack in the woods. I cracked the code after two months, and found a list of coordinates. I went to them and found a glowing blue pentagram with an eye in the middle. When I touched it, I woke up on my bed. But not in a tiny trailer- a manor. My dad went from unemployed hobo to successful lumber tycoon. I became ultra-popular and star of the track team. I'm not giving this up anytime soon! Once I have a job, my life will be perfect."[/color] Anything else you wanna share? Go for it! [hr][color=SlateBlue]"I don't know where the triangle is, but I look for it when I can."[/color] [hr][color=SlateBlue]"I want a job so I can use it as an excuse for exploring this town."[/color] [hr][color=SlateBlue]"I'm hoping to get a job at the Mystery Shack. [b]MYSTERY[/b],so it may help me with my research."[/color] [hr][color=SlateBlue]"I have a map of anomalies hidden in my house grounds."[/color] [hr][color=SlateBlue]"There are mysteries here. I WILL solve them."[/color] [hr][color=SlateBlue]"I keep a journal of my findings. It's old, but I never can get around to buying a new one."[/color] Illuminati[/hider]