[@Akayaofthemoon] She was wanted back, but I gave her a fresh coat of paint. Hopefully she kept her appeal! No symbol this time, though. [Center][Hider=Sidney LeBlanc][h3][i][color=708090]"Black, white, black, white! The world's so clear through my eyes!"[/color][/i][/h3] [b]Hey kid, what’s your name?[/b] [color=708090]"I'm Sidney! Last name LeBlanc: But my friends can call me Sid!"[/color] [b]Huh, interesting...you look more like a...[/b] [color=708090][h2]"I look like me!"[/h2][/color] [b]Depth perception is kind of a problem for me. Why don’t you save me the trouble and tell me how you look?[/b] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/lXQFb0NekbLPtVHHTkhjNTsgBGTn_3BV54M_hc9QpiE/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/18/eb/2b18eb816f08b2900f4adef000ee2c43.jpg?width=447&height=596[/img] [b]How old are you anyway?[/b] [color=708090]"Four [s][i]of my[/i][/s] hands worth of fingers!"[/color] [b]Why don’t you lay your past on me? What are you even doing here?[/b] [color=708090]"I was born and raised here in Gravity Falls! When I was born, I came out different from other kids; My skin took on a grayish tone, with weird but adorable black eyes, and only four fingers on each hand! The doctors were confused, but my mom and dad accepted me anyways despite being nervous: I was a healthy baby all things considered, though it was quickly discovered that I couldn't identify colors, either. Everything's black and white for me, but that just makes everything more plain and easy to understand if you want my opinion! My parents love me, they really do. But they've always been overprotective of me! They didn't like the looks I got sometimes because of my appearance, and thought I'd be safer at home. They tutored me at home and bought me things to keep me happy, but it just didn't sit well with me. I saw other kids out playing, and I wanted to do that, too! So I'd sneak away, and go hang out with the other kids. Sometimes I'd bring my own things as presents to try and get them to like me, though a few of the kids I met were kind enough to let me keep most of them. Sometimes I'd swipe money, too. To afford some time at the arcade; Which had a much higher thrill than games at home. I end up caught and lectured occasionally, though. At this point I think they understand I'm going to do it no matter what, but they want me to just be careful for my own sake. I've always been curious about why I'm the way I am. It's obviously not natural, but my parents play it off as something simple; But I've never heard about anyone else like me. Feels like nobody has answers for who or even [i]what[/i] I am, but I won't let it get me down! Surely there's answers out there somewhere, right? And even if I can't find any, I'll still enjoy the life I was given! It's mine to live, after all!"[/color] [b]Anything else you wanna share? Go for it![/b] [color=708090]"I can't help but pick things up sometimes, or touch things other's tell me not to. I'm just too curious! ᴬⁿᵈ ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ᵃ ᵏˡᵉᵖᵗᵒᵐᵃⁿᶦᵃᶜ." "Sometimes, when I really want to reach something, I feel like my arms get a little longer..." "I am [i]the[/i] Fight Fighters champ. I've never met someone who can beat me!" "It's not like I have to wear only black and white; But doesn't it just match my aesthetic?" "I know I say some zany things, but illuminati jokes? Wakka wakka, that's almost as bad as toilet humor! ᴴᵃʰ! ᴺᵉʷ ᵂᵒʳˡᵈ ᴼᵈᵒᵘʳ... [h1][/h1][/color] [/Hider][/Center]