[color=f26522]"Hmph."[/color] Zack let out a low, rumbling growling sound. He could have turned his back in the moment, but he wouldn't have put it passed Seifer to take a swing at him while his back was turned. Plus, there was a sense of honor and pride on the line; if he walked away then, he would never live it down. He retorted to Seifer's gesture in kind, holding his weapon before him in a frontal guard position. He glared at the trio of Seifer, Fuu, and Rai. [color=f26522]"Don't start with me about 'tough loves.' You sure as hell can dish it out, but I doubt you've had to experience a scratch of it."[/color] He focused his gaze squarely on Seifer, and continued. [color=f26522]"Last year was a long time ago. It's high time you were reminded of exactly where I come from."[/color]