[quote=@Akayaofthemoon] [@DraconiWarlord] To be fair, he said he wanted to wrap it up so that way it didn’t drag out and become something that people were ultimately disappointed with which I can’t blame him for. It kills my soul that it was way too short for my liking but at the same time, Alex said that he left it open ended for a reason. That if he ever felt the pull to enter Gravity Falls again that he had an easy way to do it. [/quote] You both bring up valid viewpoints and good counterpoints, however the story was told masterfully even despite how short it lasted and the fact that it only ran two seasons made me feel like I actually needed to care about the characters. It let the viewer fall in love with how deep the story Dipper is narrarating and how much it was trying to tell a well thought out story rich with so much detail that as I said before; the community finds new things to theorize everyday. To me the show was more than just a good television program, it didn't pander to the viewer or lead it's viewer on with malcontent. It was a story that left you wondering and truly made you think about it in depth, to me that is what made this show the best.