[quote=@Dark Cloud] ? E N O D ¿ [hider=Nathaniel Reed] [center]Hey kid what's your name? [color=39b54a]Nathaniel Reed.[/color] Huh, interesting...You look more like a... [hider=Questions Without Answers] [img]https://png-assets.com/wp-content/uploads/top-gravity-falls-logo-png-and-gravity-falls-question-mark-symbol-transparent-cartoon.png[/img] [/hider] Depth perception is kind of a problem for me. Why don't you save me the trouble and tell me how you look? [hider=Nervous¿] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/907323815729bd6a851ac455309aa68a/tumblr_pspr51uSXF1qm5w1g_1280.png[/img] [/hider] How old are you anyway? [color=39b54a]Sixteen.[/color] Why don't you lay your past on me? What are you even doing here? [color=39b54a]"Gravity Falls is where my grandpa Gus grew up, but after his wife passed away due to leukemia he decided to sell the deed to the house his parents built and moved with his daughter Nelly to Portland where I was born shorty before she disappeared. That is all that he told me up until last week when he decided it was time I know a bit about my mother and her connection to the mystery surrounding Gravity Falls. Our family had deep roots in the history of that strange town, and infamously known for our great-great-great-grandmother commissioning an art piece depicting something triangular with an eye, I think? Anyways apparently she went insane after finishing the painting and disappeared into Gravity Falls forest. The article that Gus showed me said that before my great-great-great-grandmother disappeared she uttered the phrase 'Matron to the woods and lost to the ages as the devil directed my daughters are bound to his eternal cages' which makes no sense but I guess nothing here ever does. Anyways, you said you want to know why we ended up here? Gus became homesick as he raised me and eventually he started taking odd jobs to put away more money for a 'rainy day' as he put it. But I always hoped it was for the deed he sold all those years ago, and I was super stoked that we were moving to the town where he grew up. So yeah, that is pretty much my story in a nutshell well actually I would say it was a tough nutshell to swallow."[/color] Anything else you wanna share? Go for it! [hr][color=39b54a]"I like to draw and this place is an artist's paradise, but no you can't look at my sketchbook."[/color][hr][color=39b54a]"I'm kind of a loner and I get nervous talking around lots of people especially girls, but that is between you and me...Right?"[/color][hr][color=39b54a]"The Illuminati is just an Internet meme people take too seriously, but it is strange how I can't shake the feeling I'm wrong..."[/color][hr][color=39b54a]"I'll figure out what truly happened to my family all those years ago and I will have my questions answered finally."[/color][hr][/center] [/hider] [/quote] With the explanation given in PM, I accept! Please move him over to the character tab! :3