[hr][Center][h1][color=#E39FF6]Dr.Millard[/color][/h1][/center][hr] Millard had taken a good look at everything. His knowledge of ships was slightly limited, but he knew his general location, as Jan finally took them to the cell blocks, where yelling could be heard throughout. Honestly, Millard's first reaction upon hearing this yelling was to silence them. Yet he held his tongue he didn't wish to play too deep into the character, after all, there is no one in this Galaxy that is that aggressive. Once they finally reached the Star Marines, he saw 2 faces he had no clue of, a small child who looked like she was a small husk of a 4-year-old child and a very irritated young man. Honestly, he had no clue who they were or who they could have been, but he had to try and find a way to know who they were. So when Laurey wanted to go off with Jan by herself to collect the Realist, this got him exactly what he needed, time to talk to the kids and they were still keeping everything moving. Millard looked towards Laurey and said, [color=#E39FF6]"Alright Hawthorn, you and Jan take a walk, while we straighten these kids out"[/color]. Millard had now looked back as he noticed Finbarr had already taken to the more agitated of the two kids, as Millard decided to go to the quiet of the tow, as he kneeled down and asked the girl through the gate, [color=#E39FF6]"Hey there little one. What's your name?"[/color] Millard had no clue the age of this girl, honestly, he thought she was around 6 or so, so for him, he felt strange with being super aggressive to her. He wanted to show he was serious, yet to be serious with a small child unable to do her magic? That just seemed like overkill. But in the midst of his questioning, he heard the voice of a man he knew, his voice could cut its' way through any crowd, Joey. Strangely enough, it sounded like the man was on the level below him. Millard had a very intense urge to check on the man, yet right now the mission was to blend in, so he will have to leave Joey where he is for now, Millard knew the boy could wait a little longer. [@Letter Bee][@The Man Emperor][@jdh97]