[Color=pink]Melanie Rose Pourri[/color][hr][I]Eukary Cafeteria, 1:20PM Interacting with [@Argetlam350] and [@Crystal Amalgam][/i] [Color=pink][i]"Eep!"[/i][/color] Melanie squeaked, retreating underneath the table and hiding her face in her paws. The cafeteria erupted all around her. Chairs clattered to the floor as animals stood up. There was shouting, hooting and hollering. [B]"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"[/B] echoed around the room. There were thuds and whacks, grunting and cursing. A bird squawked--probably caught in the crossfire. Mel's table shook and she gasped, sneaking a peek. The baboon and human boy had locked arms and were wrestling, bouncing around table to table in their tug-of-war. The baboon broke the hold and bashed the human in the cheek, bloodying his face. The human went limp, and the ape kept bashing and bashing. [Color=pink][i]"Please... somebody stop this..."[/i][/color] Melanie cried weakly as she stared from under the table, trembling with her eyes transfixed on the violence. Tears welled in her eyes. A furry blur entered the scene. A great maned wolf had wedged himself between the two with a strong paw on each of their chests. For a moment there was silence, but for the heavy breathing of the baboon. He seemed to be sizing up his new, large opponent. The human wiped a bloody nose and glared past the maned wolf. [B]"Get out of the way!"[/b] the baboon demanded, clenching his fists. The wolf refused. A moment later, there was a crunch and the wolf was sprawled on the floor with his paws covering a bloody snout. His glasses were smashed. A small crowd approached, whispering and murmuring. He quickly sat up and barked angrily at the ape, causing the crowd to step back. The baboon grinned, baring his teeth and cracking his knuckles. Melanie whimpered. But then, out of no where, a huge hyena shouted. Just as the baboon started to turn her way she knocked him out cold with a punch to the face. The fight was over. Melanie let out breath she didn't even know she was holding. The cafeteria had gone silent once again. Ma[s][/s]ny stared at the hyena in awe, and Mel was one of them-- that is until the hyena growled and shooed the crowd off. A vulture mumbled about being stereotyped as she head toward the door. Having lost her appetite, Melanie came out from under the table, grabbed her tray, and took it to the drop-off area. Her head hung and she had a heavy feeling in her chest. Mel was heading toward the exit when she saw a familiar face (Perci) burst through the cafeteria doors, followed shortly by [url=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R5920e3c685d9c70b77aa01b81ee1f8c7?rik=IVwutZXVIgB1og&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg01.deviantart.net%2f55e5%2fi%2f2016%2f071%2fd%2f4%2fhaikyuu___karasuno_cops_by_suncelia-d9uuggl.jpg&ehk=of8R3nfbNqO3TaX5HzcIybpIUU5OqwMTLG%2fZQkeonG4%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw]two human campus police officers[/url] and a [url=https://d.furaffinity.net/art/k0uya/1513760286/1513760286.k0uya_doug_rollins.png]rhinoceros officer[/url]. Perci glanced frantically around the room, settling on a rabbit-- a girlfriend perhaps? Melanie raised and eyebrow. She then watched as thr two human police officers escorted the injured human boy while the rhino checked the unconcious baboon over. He then picked the ape up, grunted, and head out the door wordlessly. Melanie was almost at the door when she accidentally bumped into somebody tall and furry. [Color=pink]"Oh, um, sorry..."[/color] Mel quietly mumbled. She looked up to see a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4a/a9/79/4aa9798c7f7506b763bf22ca5c17229b--ear-piercing-furry-art.jpg]jackrabbit hybrid police officer[/url] holding a spiral notebook. He must have slipped by while she was putting her tray away. He sure looked quick-footed. [B]May I ask you a few questions? I need multiple witness accounts, "[/b] he inquired with a smile. Mel gulped and nodded nervously, her heart racing. Miraculously she managed to stuttered and stammered through his questions. [B]"Thank you for your time,"[/b] the rabbit police officer said with a courteous nod of his hat, before heading over to the wolf and hyena. Mel stayed behind, stoking her hair anxiously as he went. [B]"Fighting on school property is strictly forbidden, but I'll let you two off with a warning this time,"[/b] he said generously, tucking his pencil behind his ear. [B]"Marcello, yes? You might have saved Caleb's life today,"[/b] he said with a nod to the maned wolf. [B]"And you, lady Zaina, correct? You might have saved his,"[/b] he explained with a wink and smile. [B]"Do you need any assistance before I go and file my report?"[/b]