[hr][hr] [centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/365663079054180355/808329520713170944/Gabriel.png[/img][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/cf-la-sorciere-noire-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210224/f851441eaa7f8df77b67aa884f43639d.png[/img][/url][/centre] [hr][hr] Michael shifted slightly as Prince ruffled his hair, unable to help the blush that escaped him. Which did nothing- or very little in the way of supporting Prince`s words that he had grown well in Dragon Fang. Oh, Michael knew that he had grown in the guild, but he doubted some things would ever change. [color=008B8B]"I f-find it amusing t-that you t-think P-phoenix w-wing is f-filled with s-s-some real c-crazies... S-some m-might t-t-think the s-same of us"[/color] He said, before shrugging. In some ways, all the guilds seemed to have their own unique brand of craziness. Well, if Michael was going to go on the job... it would be a distraction. It would also allow him to perhaps do some research on his own. He did have his own spirits to consider, and he had heard stories of one rogue spirit of his own kind out there. If he couldn't help Gabriel... well, he could perhaps gain more power to be useful at least. [hr][hr] [centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/365663079054180355/808330317559103558/Jarvis.png[/img][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/against-romance-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210222/ee2f9cdea89a26bb5a4105d7a2206ba6.png[/img][/url][/centre] [hr][hr] Jarvis was, content as always, to wait patiently as Trinity dallied with her friends. He knew that they could help her, more than he could, yet Jarvis was one to quietly nudge his members into what he hoped was the right direction for them. At her words, he couldn't help but chuckle at her words. [color=808000]“Only two or three? You realise that most people can not even play one instrument Trinity”[/color] he said in a soft tone of voice- quite obviously not chastising as he watched her work whatever magic she was doing. The talking sword was going to be an even bigger issue than he had first thought, and Jarvis made a note to speak with Brianna about it. It wouldn't do for something like this to come to a head. Perhaps theyd have to come up with a way that it wouldn't be so invasive, He sighed softly, but gave Trinity a smile, [color=808000]“All you need to do is ask the band, and try. If it doesn't work out, at least you tried, however I am certain that it will all work out."[/color] He said, shifting his gaze to Nyssa. [color=808000]"We don't really have any joining requirements."[/color] He said, moving down the bar a bit, and leaning down, soon coming up with the guild stamp. [color=808000]"We accept just about everyone, although we do expect you to do your best. Jobs have to be approved, generally, but Jamie, myself or one of the S class mages."[/color] he said, moving back down the bar, [color=808000]"To ensure that the job is suitable for your level. We will figure out what level you are soon."[/color] He flicked a gaze at the interruption, Trinity running off, before looking back to Nyssa. [hr][hr] [centre][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/old-antique-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210224/d3d188771960754afbcc646f3afd39c4.png[/img][/url][/centre] [hr][hr] Penny settled back in her chair, letting herself relax as much as possible as she turned her attention back to Jasmine and Rajah. Nothing much seemed to have changed between them- Rajah was still quite the fiery little thing but it was good to see Jasmine standing up for herself more against the furball. At Jasmines excited questions, Penny paused a moment, gaze flickering through the guild, then back to Jasmine. [color=FF7F50]“There were a few adventures, We did quite a bit,,, “[/color] She paused a moment, thoughtful. She was certain that Jasmine was about to be highly disappointed. [color=FF7F50]"We did see quite a lot of the kingdom, and the rest of the world."[/color] She said, letting her mind drift over the various places. Oh, Penny had seen quite a bit of it before, but it had been then just mostly flying around, landing when she had to, determined to find her sister. Well, she found a whole lot more and a part of her still wondered how the hell it had happened. [color=FF7F50]"But we didn't find a lot of rare magic. A lot of people still hide what they can do... which is why we are hoping to change it, with the match and such."[/color] She seemed to hesitate another moment, biting her lip and looking away, before she said softly [color=FF7F50]"I heard rumours of Phoenix song being heard, though. I want to chase up on it- hopefully give the little bit of information I have to Jarvis and he can find more."[/color] [hr][hr] [centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/365663079054180355/808338847997362216/Jamie.png[/img][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/calling-angels-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210221/e6104896cbbfd9fe7db1c2d50b624acf.png[/img][/url][/centre] [hr][hr] Jamie shifted, reaching for a pile of jobs she hadn't had a chance to consider for anyone in the guild, flicking through them quickly and taking out a small handful, before doing the same as Jack and handing them over to Priscilla, [color=FF8C00]"That's fine, there's some I'd prefer to keep for my guild too. As for technology."[/color] She gave a soft sigh, she did prefer Lacrimas, but in a world that was steadily growing scientifically and technologically, it was best to adapt, or sink. [color=FF8C00]"I'm sure that can be arranged."[/color] She gave Priscilla a smile, and said "We will gladly share any jobs- and there are times, I imagine, when jobs might require specific skill sets not all our members have. I like to encourage working between guilds in that case." She couldn't help a soft laugh, [color=FF8C00]"I tend to resist technology as well. Slowly it's starting to creep into my every day life. Often as a result of Jack sneaking it in through gifts. A weakness- I find gifts sentimental and seek to hold on to them as long as possible."[/color] She flicked a gaze to the lacrima surveying the guild hall, a smile gracing her features once more, [color=FF8C00]"I prefer lacrima, however I do understand that the modern advances of technology do have their place."[/color] She raised a brow as she took one of the candles, studying it. [color=FF8C00]"It's beautiful."[/color] She said softly, and appreciating the guesture, Jamie settled the candle on her desk, where she couldn't knock it off. [color=FF8C00]"We tend to supply guild members, and other guilds, with teleportation lacrima. I'll ensure you get some- it helps members get out of sticky situations if they need, or for fast travel between guilds."[/color] She paused a moment, thoughtful. [color=FF8C00]"Well, then. I suppose that we should leave the communal board in your hands, Jack. The more technologically advanced one of the three of us, it seems. I'll contact other guilds, see if they're willing to be apart of it and let you know."[/color]