[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UoOo9Tq.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200712/6abf315930f46f3462d7fab75196b0db.png[/img] [@hatakekuro][/center] It seemed like Zen really didn't Kaden, which Akemi was just getting more curious about. Like she had said, he seemed nice enough when she had spoken with him earlier. [color=DDDCE1]"So if I just wear shorts he won't flirt with me?"[/color] At his comment of flirting with anything wearing a skirt though, she looked down and patted at her pale legs. Getting out wasn't just good for in the sense of exploring the city, but the girl really did need to get some more sun time. What was wrong with flirting anyway? Not that the younger girl knew the first thing about flirting, it was likely to fly over her head if anyone tried to do so. [color=DDDCE1]"But if he does something like that, you'll the first to know I guess?[/color]" Another unassuring answer for sure, but it was something, and it wasn't like much really bothered her to be honest. [color=DDDCE1]"Hmhm they should be indeed. I can't wait."[/color] Just the faintest smile could be seen forming as she happily skipped alongside the older Zenith. She really couldn't wait to see the Royal Gardens, surely with everything one associated with royalty that there would be all sorts of rare, exotic, and beautiful flowers and various plants about. Almost certainly there would even be ones Akemi had never seen before in her life, in fact, she was already beginning to vividly imagine what sorts and colors there could be, passing several stalls without even giving them a glance. The only thing that snapped her back to reality was Zen speaking up about how things weren't clear-cut? [color=DDDCE1]"Hmm? How so?"[/color] Giving him a tilted look, Akemi blinked up at him, completely oblivious to his rather obvious meaning. [color=DDDCE1]"Bad guys do bad things, that makes them black. Good guys do good things, which makes them white. What else is there to it? Grandfather even said so himself when he read me stories. It's also how all the books and stories I've read ever go. It's why I want to get stronger, to help others like you do! Like...mother did."[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Feg0Ws7.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200626/1bf27c8de8692e34a4dabea5b410504a.png[/img] [@samreaper][/center] Hmm, he was a tougher and stranger individual to understand than even her reconfigured expectations had taken into account for. There were no obvious cues or signs on him, the main trait was one anyone with half a brain could work out. Cautious, he was quick to put up his guard and approach things with a ten foot pole if he even remotely thought of them as a threat, a wise mindset really. After-all, there was no way to really prove what she was saying was a lie or not, for all he knew she was lying through her teeth. Not that it was really her style to do so, no, blatant lying becomes too complicated and tedious to keep track of and can become...predictable and easy to see through. While a complete lie was always an option, she much preferred to mix them up, twist things here and there. But when she said she wasn't sure if she even could turn into him, it was the honest truth. She had no idea if she copy him or not, and while her curious side was [i]dying[/i] to find out, it was probably wise not to try. For now at least. [color=9C2E37]"Oh that is splendid news indeed!"[/color] She (he?) broke into a beaming, toothy grin as the two of them began to push the cart along. It was actually lighter than she had expected it to, perhaps this lad was stronger than she had thought him to be? Or maybe it was the fact there were now two of them pushing? She wasn't entirely sure as to why, but it didn't really matter. [color=9C2E37]"Normally people learn of my magic and want nothing to do with me...Especially for a reason like you're starting now. Though in saying that, it's both a blessing and a curse I cannot copy memories. It would make for a rather convenient ability in gathering information a lot easier, but...well, some things cannot be unseen right? Could be all sorts of memories, unsavory ones to be more specific."[/color] She did honestly wish she could gain the memories of those she copied though. That would make her job [i]soooo[/i] much easier if she could, so much easier to infiltrate, keep herself in character more, etc, etc. However, she did work hard to make up for that by learning all she can about them anyway. Observation, scenario play-by-plays, and more till she worked out the perfect way to 'become' them. Suppose there was a satisfaction to be gained there, but it still would make her life so much easier. [color=9C2E37]"You really think so? I've always viewed it as more of a burden I guess, but when you put it that way...I suppose it's really something?[/color]" Alina mused out loud. Now of course she already knew this all, even though her parents were always stern and strict on her ability still not being enough to be the perfect assassin, she had the potential to get there if her magic continued to evolve and grow. But with the role she was playing, this wasn't the case. [color=9C2E37]"As do I Mr. Isanami. I'm sure it'll be a fruitful discussion." [/color] With that, they fell into silence. They would be able to make good time with the both of them pushing, especially with the added strength of the man she was currently impersonating to aid in Menzai's neverending stamina. Though in saying that, hers wasn't. While her magical reserves were fine in keeping her transformation active, it was a very long day for the red-head. It would eventually get to the point where they were close enough to keep pushing on, but also she was getting weary. And a thought occurred to her now. [color=9C2E37]"Perhaps we should stop for the night...the shop will be closed when we get back won't it? Might be inconvenient to put this cart in the guild."[/color]