[h1][color=#ff9e00]Zaina 'Zee' Allaires[/color][/h1] [i]Eukary Cafeteria[/i] [i]Interaction:[/i] [@Crystal Amalgam] Marcello & Perci,[@LostButterfly92] Melanie [hr] Zaina listened to the campus officer give a curt nod at the end though before they left, just glad that she wasn't going to have to deal with any repercussions for her intervention. Now she just had to hope Tholo didn't catch wind of it or else she'd face a rather fierce tongue lashing and probably a reduction of her next paycheck. The goat, Perci, appeared to give Marcello one last look over and make sure he was okay before turning to her. Perci thanked her for what she did, causing her to feel a bit awkward now for what she did. On campus she tended to stay out of the limelight so being thanked for stopping a fight was a new experience. She was use to more of the usual cautious stares from the herbivores and being avoided by them. [color=#ff9e00]"Yeah whatever,"[/color] Zaina replied to Perci, pretending to brush it off as if it was nothing, going back to where she had dropped her stuff before knocking the baboon out. She scooped her things up, swinging her back over her shoulder making her way to the door where a shaken looking skunk appeared to be standing. She passed by muttering a pardon, deciding that after the excitement she needed to blow off a little steam and made her way to the campus gym.