[center][h3][color=olivedrab][b]Player / Character List[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [b]Bartholomew Strongheart,[/b] [color=cccccc]the most darn tootinest friendliest human bartender, who knows everyone who's everyone [/color] [@rush99999] [b]Dreeda Brom,[/b] [color=cccccc]the aspiring Verdan tinkerer with an ambitious and adventurous spirit[/color] [@Cao the Exiled] [b]Thel'dek,[/b] [color=cccccc]the Kobold Merchant with dreams of running a great Emporium [/color] [@Dark Cloud] [b]Einkil Torunn,[/b][color=cccccc] the friendly hill dwarf who makes ~moonshine~ from local wild swamp produce[/color] [@Necroes] [center][h3][color=olivedrab][b]Homes & Buisnesses[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [color=cccccc][@rush99999]The Adamant Tankard has been owned by the family for generations since the founding of Swampmuck and owes it's name to a precious family heirloom. It can be found off the Town Square. The Tavern is a bigger then average in Swampmuck, standing at 3 storeys, with a large firepit, regular hogroasts, wood floor beer garden, kitchen, pantry, cellar and several bedrooms for paying guests. It has a selection of meals, Home Brew drinks and Local Brew drinks, most of the latter provided by Einkil. [@Cao the Exiled][url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/52b77e780de71731d6c130efac0230ea/tumblr_p7ezyvwrhZ1wbpf1mo1_1280.png]Dreeda's hut[/url] can be found on the outskirts of Swampmuck to the south, near the swamp. It is crude in nature, comprised of one big room. The most interesting item is a good quality shelf, on which a small doll sized tinker goblin sits with a letter. Dreeda lives and works on their projects here. [@Necroes]Einkil's burrow is a abysmal mudfloor hut outside of town near the swamp. It has nothing of interest to it. There is no brewing stand or secret tunnel to a willow glade here. [@Dark Cloud]Over the last few years Thel'dek had wandered picking up trinkets and baubles to add to his collection of various curios that he sold from his wagon near busy highways and as a member of the Merchant Guild he was very much the lowest member of it's society, often the joke of the guild and ridiculed for his business as in the opinion of his superiors the very idea of a shop selling what they viewed as garbage was laughable at best.[/color] [center][hider=Pinglist][@rush99999][@Necroes][@Cao the Exiled][@Dark Cloud][/hider][/center]