Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Name: Ralthavar Vorinclex Age: 23 Race: Orc (But he keeps this a secret) Hometown: Estar Biography: Ralthavar's life was fairly steady, but not without it's share of hardships. His parents were skilled artisans, his father a stone mason while his mother had a knack with herbal remedies. But not all was easy, mostly due to their race. Being orcs brought fear and hatred on them. Unlike most, however, they didn't fight. At least his parents didn't; they knew the ramifications of what would happen when they moved to Estar, but were determined to see it through. Ralthavar was, at first, fairly violent when met with confrontation. He was quick to resort to violence, and when it came to fighting he was always larger and stronger than most of his enemies. But soon he learned that if he continued to follow this path, enemies will be his only company; any potential friends were driven away out of fear or spite. He needed to find a new way to deal with his enemies that didn't involve crushing their hands with rocks. He had to become friendly. When he was a young teenager, Ralthavar began to live a life of discipline. To control himself so that he does not let his fury take over him. So that he knew not to speak the truth when the truth would cause pain, but not to lie for the sake of others. Slowly, he was gaining acceptance. He entered Shattermane Academy as soon as possible, quickly making new friends with his calmer attitude. He was given the name "Shield Brother" for his friendliness with his allies and his ability with a shield. Life went on, with it's ups and downs. While Ralthavar learned to control himself, it never stopped the pain and the hatred that would build. He kept things bottled, kept it quiet, out of sight, and continued to create a facade of a personable and collective orc. Which he was... But he was also hiding his inner turmoil. There were times were he would crack, and some of his anger would come out. Those times he feared the worse, and struggles to maintain himself. Ralthavar was able to graduate Shattermane Academy with some honors, but the turmoil never stopped. Problems always arose; fools who would harm his friends, enemies who would try to harm him. He dealt with them the best he could, but everyday he struggles against himself to not let loose his true feelings. Anger born of regret, anger born of worry, or simply a unexplainable rage brought about from a mix of things. All the while Ralthavar continues to keep up his stoic demeanor, and will continue to do so until he'll finally explode. Dragonartes: Dragon's Wrath Skyfall Weapon(s): [img=] The Claw - A weapon designed by Ralthavar's father when he entered Shattermane. The Claw can function much like a normal one, to slash or tear apart his enemies, but a unique trait of the weapon is that it's retractable chain. The Claw can be shot out at great force, strong enough to penetrate solid stone, and can maintain a powerful grip, one strong enough to hold not only Ralthavar, but just about anyone else he's holding onto to. The Claw's grip can be turned on his enemies as well, as it can crush through bones and metal as though it was made of glass. However, The Claw suffers from a limited dexterity; it has only three "Fingers" that, while able to twist and turn as need be, lack the sensitivity and over all flexibility for complicated handling. [IMG][/IMG] Ralthavar's Wall - An absolutely huge shield the size of a door, but several times thicker and much, much harder. Made from a skull-plate shard of an ancient dead dragon, Ralthavar came across it when he and a group of his fellows were sent to investigate an alleged "Dragon Graveyard". They found one dragon, the shards of it's bones used as grave markers, but that aside no more than just the one. They tried to take some pieces back to make into weapons, but many of the smiths found that the dragon bone was much too hard to work with. But that didn't stop Ralthavar. He spent three months and over a hundred chisels and hammers to make a few holes into the dragon bone. Once they were large enough, he looped a chain through the holes and turned the neigh-indestructible bone piece into a mighty shield. The shield itself weighs in at around thirty pounds alone, though Ralthavar can wield it well enough to use it to bash, batter, crush, and smash it into enemies. Roleplaying Sample: Unmoving even to the claws of the dragons, Ralthavar stood his ground as the giant beast tried to knock him away. But he refused to do so. He was the only one who could stand before the dragon; his allies too injured, or busy escorting the villagers to safety. The dragon took the skies in an attempt to by pass the stubborn orc, but he would not allow it. Aiming his Claw at the beast, the three-prong weapon broke through the dragon's sage and dug into it's flesh. The beast made a mighty roar that deafen Ralthavar, but he did not falter. He caused the chain to retract, pulling him towards the dragon as it flew away. His tailed swung widely, knowing that Ralthavar was going to try to born it. He was hit, but he did not slow down. His armor protected him from a large brunt of the damage. When the dragon swung it's tail again, Raltavar released his claw and shot it at the tail, latching onto it. Soon Ralthavar had his feet firmly planted onto the dragon's tail, and now he had to make the treacherous march up it's back. The dragon, who had thought Ralthavar had fell to his doom, calmed his flight as he searched the earth for the prey. Meanwhile Ralthavar was making his way up the dragon's back, slowed down only by the force of the wind and his attempts to keep stability. Time went on, and for Ralthavar it felt like hours. The dragon made sharp turns, dives, and sometimes would fly upside down, but not matter when it did Ralthavar stayed on. Upon reaching the middle back, Ralthavar made a running dash. He knew the dragon had found his allies, and he knew that if he did not do something the dragon would burn his friends and innocents in a blaze of fire. He shot his claw out once more, and the blades sung themselves into the neck of the beast. The dragon roared, and now knew of his presence. He flew more erratically, doing spins and sudden stops to loose the orc, but it's attempts were in vain. Soon Ralthavar reached to dragon's head, and now it was time for their final battle. The dragon landed onto the ground and attempted to grab Ralthavar, but it's claws were knocked away with a swipe of Ralthavar's shield. He had to move quickly now. Wasting no more time, Ralthavar used his Dragonartes "Skyfall" to fly into the air, right next to the dragon's eye. He didn't even get a chance to blink before Ralthavar drove his Claw into the dragon's eye, clutching it's cornea in his powerful Claw. He pulled it out, causing a gush of blood and eye fluids to erupted, as he slammed his Wall into the remaining bits of the dragon's eye. It cause the beast no end of pain and tried to knock Ralthavar off, to crush it against it's massive claw, but Ralthavar was too quick for the dragon. He dodged the dragon's blows, and when the dragon flung it's head up, Ralthavar went to the skies. He had not yet defeated the beast, but now he would preform the coup de grace. Channeling the power within himself, Ralthavar activated his other Dragonartes " Dragon's Wrath" unto his Claw. His weapon glowed with an awesome power as he threw his claw down into the dragon's skull. The Claw broke through the monster's skull plate, digging into it's brain. But this was not the deathblow. No, it was when Ralthavar put his wall in front of him, and began his decent. His mass combined with the speed of his fall as well as his heavy weight turned him into something akin to a meteor as he crushed the dragon's skull with his Wall and his body. The very force of his fall was great enough to send the dragon's head strait towards the ground and form a crater. The dust began to settled. The villagers came to investigate, while Ralthavar's allies prepared themselves for another battle. But from the smoke came out a figure: Ralthavar, his armor stained with blood and gore. None of it his own however. When the dust cleared the villagers and his allies would see the corpse of the dragon, it's head destroyed. Ralthavar said nothing as he walked pasted the others, and motioned them to continue onwards towards the next town.