[@Dark Cloud] Out of those three. I really like the last one. The first one just doesn’t give me Nathaniel vibes for some reason. Like nothing is wrong with it and I quite enjoy listening to it but I don’t think Nathaniel when I hear it. The second one while one of my fav music box versions seems too straight forward if that makes sense. I see Nathaniel as more nervous or maybe a bit shy type so for me this version clashes with how I picture him but again, that’s just from my own first idea. The last one has layers, it reminds me a bit of his backstory. That there are other parts that make up the mystery to his past and what has brought him there. It’s still is just bells but it sounds more orchestra like to my ears which I connect to artistic and creativity which I think is up Nathaniel’s alley so to speak. So yeah! I’m glad you are excited and hope my opinion on the music helps :3