[hr][hr][center][h1][/h1][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504122082729132034/756988552734310500/Waverley_Moodboard_Extra_Smoll.jpg[/img][hr] [color=Purple][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Mutant Underground [color=Purple][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Waverley winced a little bit when Sunshine mentioned Magik. It wasn't a subject she wanted to touch with a ten foot pole. Not because she felt awkward or uncomfortable about it, but because she knew that it was a conversational path that wouldn't lean anywhere good. Waverley would bring Magik back for Sunshine if she could, Erg too. But she knew she couldn't, and, even with the wide array of oddities Waverley had witnessed since stepping into the world of the Mutant Underground, she still wasn't convinced that resurrection was an option. [color=purple]"Right then, I guess we'll go ahead and leave the paranormal investigation to the Bill Murr-"[/color] Waverley began to reply to Sunshine's disinterest in the ghost, before trailing off as she caught sight of a familiar thin figure step into her vision. Her eyes flicked to him: Max. She was usually able to mostly ignore the boy when he lazed about their headquarters, but the way he walked now held...purpose. It sent a chill up her spine and caused her to go stiff. She followed him with her eyes, watching as he approached a mess of rubble that was scattered about the Underground. She watched as he stopped, his hands glowing with arcane energy, her body rigid in preparation to stop him on the off chance this was some nefarious scheme. She was so focused on him that she practically leapt out of her skin when the voice of Echo spoke up beside her. [color=purple]"Shit dude, you can't sneak up on people like that,"[/color] Waverley exclaimed despite the fact that Echo had done everything in his power to slip seamlessly into their conversation. She let out a huff and shot one more glance over at Max, finding that the only evil deed he was doing was cleaning. She turned her attention back to Echo, not stepping away from Sunshine and Zarina, but lowering her voice when she spoke in case they wanted to continue talking without her. [color=purple]"Wow, that sounds like...a lot. Um...I could try? That's a lot of space to cover, and it'd be super hard to feel everything the soundwaves bounced against. Especially since I don't even know what the bomb feels like. It'd be like trying to find Waldo without ever being told what Waldo looks like."[/color]