[h1]Ashley[/h1] On a normal day, a meek-looking freshman casually offering to hotwire a car would get more than a terse nod of acknowledgement. Today was very much not a normal day. Following a rat was definitely weirder, but after breaking down a door Ashley decided not to make any snarky comments about anyone else's powers. Presumably they all had powers, at least - was the other girl some kind of psychic or something? There was no time for her to ask or speculate, as crawling through the vents was taking all of her concentration. Did this guy even know where he was going? Now he was stopped over the cafeteria, which was definitely not where they needed to be. "What are you-" She didn't get a chance to finish her question before he had dropped down. "Right, cool, that guy's a moron. Teacher's lot should be this way," she muttered, motioning for the other to follow her as she started crawling back down the vent. The sounds of fighting picked up behind them, growls and screams punctuated by loud thuds and then gunshots that made her flinch and crawl faster. [hr] [h1]Leto[/h1] Assigned to wait with the team at the vehicles, Leto was one of the first in the doors when the team sent to clear the main building called in for help on the radio. Or, rather, when their radios crackled to life with the sounds of a fight, gunshots, and some kind of large animal. A bear, maybe? "Positions?" the team leader demanded on radio. "Team Delta, positions?" There was no reply over the radio, but the sounds of fighting drew them towards the cafeteria. Leto put up a shield around his team as they progressed through the hallway, but by the time they reached the doors to the kitchen it was eerily silent. Not having been issued a gun, he drew his taser as the shield nudged the big double doors open, not at all sure what they were going to discover inside.