Not for nothing, seeing a teenager shapeshifting in front of his eyes was quite the, err, eye opener. He heard the little comment made by Cellphone-girl after the guy had gone full-on kodiak on the agents below. Quite the snarky one. The tittering little beeps issuing quietly from his watch let him know that [i]someone[/i] liked their pseudo-leader. Quiet-girl had worried him for a moment when he saw her pained grimace, but seeing it pass set his nerves straight. Having seen the brief patronizing looks thrown his way when he’d volunteered to get their getaway car running he decided against speaking any further for the time being. These people didn’t know him, nor what he was capable of, and as Theo had taught him early during his habitation with the Jackson’s: actions speak clearer than words. Besides, the likelihood of his continued association with the other teens after their escape was even less likely than their escape plan actually succeeding. As if to punctuate those thoughts the sounds of battle behind them suddenly grew much too quiet. He hoped the guy had shifted into something to slip away, but he had a bad feeling these agents were prepared for just about anything.