"I can make some basic salves with the herbs, sure. But it won't be anything nearly as potent as an actual healing potion mind you. At best, it'll help close up small cuts and such." Druid Girl replied when Big Red asuggested she use the plucked plants that their plucky pal from the steppes had pouched from the pesky woods outside of Palisade. Upon hearing, and seeing, the archer's reation and vehent unwillingness to do the sewer-crawling job, the nature mage simply nodded in agreement. She wasn't going to argue or persuade her friends to go through with it - especially since she didn't have any desire to really do it herself in the first place. The question was; What to do with the rest of the day though? It was a bit into the afternoon, but there weren't any jobs available that they wanted at the guild. And they'd already gone shopping for both supplies and gear, as well as visited the bank. They could go eat again, that was an idea... One that the druid almost blurted out with questionable eagerness - but she managed to restrain herself before the suggestion exited her lips. What else was there? Walk around Palisade and enjoy the scenery? Not like the place was a marvel of culture or archietecture, so there wasn't that much to look at. Go drinking at a bar? Druid Girl had never been much for imbibing spirits or alcohol, nor was she fond of taverns where drunks and other riff-raff hung out... They had a tendency to try and get handsy with her... They'd already bathed as well, and while going for a stroll through the nearby woods would've been lovely, Druid Girl somehow doubted that the branch and leaf-covered Steppe Archer - who had just spent her time running around collecting plants - would be up for more hiking, even if it was just for leisure. So what could they do then...? She rubbed her chin slowly in deep thought, before a proverbial light bulb finally sparked above her head. "So! If we're not gonna go crawling in the sewers and smashing bugs, why don't we do something fun? All work and no play is bad for you, as my dad used to say! ... Even if he never followed that saying himself... A-anyway! What do you two when you got time off? Anything particular you like doing? Like say... Uh... Butterfly catching? Hoprse-shoe tossing? Wrestling?" She paused and looked at Big Red. "... Sharpening your weapons...?" It was rather obvious she didn't exactly know how lizardfolk spent their - if any - leisure time...