[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/50VBWNfh/63507c917b644ae085a53d695ad43269.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2fa3b68ea7ccb5e241580009fa3f8dfe/tumblr_nrjjdcXvK71uq1wtvo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=8519A2]Arc I - Terreille in Trouble[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=8519A2]Location: Winton[/color][/h3] [/center] Faeril nodded to Sybl before she rose from the chair. There was hardly any point to saying much to the man, she had seen the hatred in his eyes and the fear, yet the Healer in her had to offer. To try to ease some of the pain. [color=SlateBlue]"I could try to heal that for you, if you would like."[/color] She offered in a soft voice meant only for Sybl's ears as he retreated. Not bothering to wait for an answer, she swept up the stairs and into the room where the Queen waited. Pausing, she made sure the door was tightly shut behind her before she turned to face Fatima. [color=SlateBlue]"I will not apologize for what I did. I spun a web to draw power to save the Realm. It is one of the reasons that I am so weakened."[/color] Her chin was stubbornly set as she gazed with a challenging look at Fatima. [color=SlateBlue]"I asked for power, for a Queen. Witch pulled your threads to me, but you could have walked away."[/color] Witch, was the soul of the Blood. She was akin to a goddess, yet was tied to humanity and the Blood. The Kindred and humans. She was what awaited those who became Whispers in the Darkness after their bodies died and their jewels gave up the last of their psychic power. To many Witch was merely a tale, a story. Fatima watched the black widow with wide eyes, allowing her to finish her rambling rant before she responded. "Oh, I don't care about any of that. Nothing to do with me really. You were trying to tell me something earlier about Dareen before I got caught up with Sybl." Faeril blinked. Her wings drooping as she gave a small laugh. A wane smile crossing her features, relief. Then the woman became impassive again, made of ice. [color=SlateBlue]"She has killed Black Widows and others among her band of mercenaries. Innocents."[/color] True it was by the manipulation of the Queens, but Faeril still felt the traces of anger for Dareen's actions. "Oh," she replied simply. How was one to respond to such a statement? The relief the Black Widow experienced at her lack of interest in meddling in the dark places did not go unnoticed. However there were other things to consider. "And how did she explain this to you? And why you?". It pale gold eyes studied the woman carefully. Nothing would go unnoticed [color=SlateBlue]"I do not know why me. Perhaps because I am one of the caste she hunted."[/color] She sighed, looking perplexed and slightly angry. [color=SlateBlue]"I cannot absolve her of her actions in the past. You know we hid ourselves well if we did not wish to bend before the Twisted Queens. Must I say they killed some innocents for money?"[/color] The woman was pacing with such a mix of emotions. [color=SlateBlue]"I cannot fault a child for their ignorance, but I cannot forgive murder, Fatima. Dareen wanted to know why she had been brought along. Why she was still with us. Why I did not rip into her mind- unclean doing that..."[/color] Faeril shook her head. [color=SlateBlue]"I do not feel she is a threat, but I cannot... forget."[/color] Fatima listened patiently, stroking Dunny's fur. Her eyes followed the pacing woman. She felt oddly calm in the face of Faeril's distress. "Has she asked you to forget?" Fatima inquired? [color=SlateBlue]"No. Rather she seems to think my decision on her actions is a fulcrum."[/color] "I suppose in a way you are the one shed sinned against." She sighed softly and said, "she has been a good friend to us and has helped us. She deserves than chance to be better. What do you think?' Faeril sighed and ran a hand through her dark hair. [color=SlateBlue]"I cannot forgive the killing of innocents, but she has done no wrong to us and the chance is... reasonable."[/color] She did not wish to say fair. Faeril had seen 'fair' and it was a pyre of witchfire. "mmmm, I'll talk to her after I sleep. I don't have the energy for that now but I trust her enough not to murder you all while I rest. One last concern. I am low on herbs I need to brew a certain potion I need. Now is not the time to put my men further in edge. My Moon Time can come once we are safe in Kaeleer." Wearily she sighed and scrubbed her hands over her face. "Do you think you can help me?" "I have the herbs." Faeril sounded relieved almost. "I will brew you the potion." "Thank you, it is much appreciated." After a long pause in which she studied the woman she asked, "are you okay? He didn't do anything to you right?" Faeril gave a humorous chuckle. "He was ruthlessly through and knows my mind better than I know myself." [hr] Saetan studied Dareen through narrowed eyes. He did not particularly trust the woman or any woman in general. Though her idea was not an overly bad suggestion, though she seemed unaware of what exactly a Band of Compliance was. [color=Gold]"It is not as simple as making a simulacrum of myself and remaining in Terrielle."[/color] His long fingers touched the band about his throat. [color=Gold]"When I remove this it will drain a portion of my strength and lash out at the one wearing the controlling ring. The leash to my collar, so to speak. That will let Dorothea know I have broken our bargain and the genocide will begin."[/color] His eyes were hard and the air in the room was chilly as he studied the group. He had never wanted to make the deal, to begin with but he valued the lives of the Dhemlan people. That they would find suffering because of him? It pained Saetan a great deal more than any torment Dorothea had heaped upon him. [color=Gold]"I am hesitant at the thought of leaving the Dhemlan Blood to death in Terrielle. There has been enough blood spilt, yet you are eager for more?"[/color] The look he gave Jandar was one of cool disapproval. Saetan was a man of honor. Perhaps he was ruthless and left a trail of bodies at times, but he was a Warlord Prince and one who had ruled over the Dhemlan Territories in Kaeleer and Terreille. Simply leaving his people did not sit well with him. [color=Tan]"We have until tomorrow. Then it's a luncheon with Lady Alice."[/color] Denvar noted sourly as he stood and made to leave. [color=Tan]"I don't know about the rest of you, but I say we rest and think. It's been a long enough day."[/color] Thom, the young lad, was looking nervously about the group as one would when tensions were high with so many Warlord Princes involved. Bellinar shrugged his large shoulders and moved towards the door, Mikhail would notice there was an especially fat wallet on the man's back right pocket. Something Bellinar did not have before.